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RE: New Reward Cards & Collection Power Update

in #splinterlands5 years ago (edited)

I just saw your idea. Maybe it's better, probably it is.
But the common problem we should be fighting instead of changing the whole game is this :
we are adapting the game because of some bots. bots should be FORBIDDEN. Nothing less, nothing more.

@cmplxty - Would you want to wait 90 seconds per match tk complete your daily quest? I absolutely don't. I don't have that kind of time.

At the beginning, it was 90 seconds. I played. Patience was key at the beginning.
You don't have the time to wait ? I don't have the money to get level 10 cards. We all have our problems. But at least we are all born with the same time (at least more than the same money)

Splinterlands is a wonderful game which I love, and I respect every decision which has to be made. I just think the team deserves every opinion.


Thanks for the dialogue. I remember when I first started matches did take a while to start. It’s one of the reasons I took a break for a bit.

Wish we could get the Splinterlands team to use the bots that way they could write a script to disable their rewards and just let them give us matches.

Bots serve some positive roles (for example they reduce waiting times for a match). More importantly, it might be technically impossible to ban bots in this type of game. Therefore, instead of eliminating them, effort should be put on delivering to humans positive experience and allowing bots to make the game overall better.