Hi everyone,
Below you can find the rental comparison results of season 102.
For the results of season 101, you can check out this post.
Season 102 was the last season in which Dragontools was managing the rental cards of the account gravyjuice. Going forward, peakmonsters will be managing gravyjuice. The first results can be expected in the comparision post regarding season 103
We currently started with peakmonsters default aggressive setting. If you would like to see different settings, do let us know!
the results for this season are :
Squirtle33 (managed by SplinterRents) earned 7000 DEC, which is 6650 after paying fees
Minichaos (managed by Splex) earned 6441 DEC, which is 5797 after paying fees
Gravyjuice (managed by Dragontools) earned 5634 DEC, which is 5070 after paying fees.
In other words:
SplinterRents had a 8.6% better performance compared to splex.
Taking fees into account, SplinterRents had a 14.7% better performance compared to Splex!
SplinterRents had a 24.2% better performance compared to Dragontools.
Taking fees into account, SplinterRents had a 31.1% better performance compared to Dragontools!
The accounts will be emptied again at the end of season 103, and you will be updated on the results.
Ofcourse, you are always free to check out the data in the meantime yourself!
If you are not using SplinterRents yet, but would like to increase your rental revenue, we encourage you to take a look on our website or let us welcome you in our discord!
Looking good!