# Splinter Stats Season 52 Report Card

in #splinterstats4 years ago (edited)


Season 52 was my best Splinterlands season so far. Thanks to a couple key card delegations, I was able to boost my deck Power rating which unlocked Silver League for me. Advancing out of Bronze League and into Silver made a big difference in the Rewards I received this season too.

Match Report


Silver Rank516
Rating1850 - Silver II
Rating High1870
Total Rating Movements (+-)2220
Ranked Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw)2.73 (60/21/1)
Tournament Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw)0.69 (22/31/1)
Tournament Reward Placements0/2
Longest Streak9
Highest Rated Win vs@zoomaa (1937)

For the first time ever I was able to get into Silver 2 League. And thanks to the loan of a couple powerful Summoners my Win/Loss ratio was 2.73, also the best I've ever managed. I even tried to enter a couple tournaments. But that didn't turn out so well. I didn't finish in the money in either tournament.

Top 10 Summoner Usage

SummonerFrequencyTeams FieldedWin Rate
Tyrus Paladium4951.58%57.14%
Lyanna Natura1111.58%54.55%
Malric Inferno77.37%85.71%
Zintar Mortalis33.16%33.33%
Alric Stormbringer22.11%0.00%

I was undefeated in the 23 matches that I was able to use Valnamor. While Tyrus Paladium was my most used summoner with 49 total matches, my win rate with him was an unimpressive 57%.

Top 100 Monster Usage

MonsterFrequencyTeams FieldedWin Rate
Furious Chicken4749.47%72.34%
Silvershield Paladin3840.00%57.89%
Creeping Ooze2223.16%59.09%
Feral Spirit1920.00%57.89%
Ruler of the Seas1717.89%100.00%
Mischievous Mermaid1717.89%88.24%
Elven Cutthroat1616.84%56.25%
Silvershield Assassin1414.74%64.29%
Spineback Turtle1414.74%100.00%
Silvershield Knight1414.74%71.43%
Sea Genie1111.58%100.00%
Air Elemental1111.58%72.73%
Unicorn Mustang1010.53%60.00%
Silvershield Archers1010.53%60.00%
Elven Mystic88.42%37.50%
Silvershield Sheriff77.37%42.86%
Sabre Shark77.37%100.00%
Battle Orca66.32%100.00%
Captain's Ghost66.32%100.00%
Goblin Thief66.32%50.00%
Living Lava66.32%100.00%
Ice Pixie55.26%100.00%
Enchanted Pixie55.26%60.00%
Divine Healer55.26%60.00%
Water Elemental55.26%80.00%
Serpentine Spy55.26%80.00%
Wood Nymph55.26%60.00%
Goblin Chariot44.21%75.00%
Gelatinous Cube44.21%100.00%
Goblin Mech44.21%50.00%
Luminous Eagle33.16%33.33%
Sand Worm33.16%100.00%
Haunted Spirit33.16%33.33%
Kobold Miner33.16%100.00%
Mushroom Seer33.16%33.33%
Khmer Princess33.16%66.67%
Fire Elemental33.16%100.00%
Crustacean King22.11%100.00%
Peaceful Giant22.11%0.00%
Beatrix Ironhand22.11%50.00%
Tower Griffin22.11%50.00%
Serpent of Eld22.11%0.00%
Torhilo the Frozen22.11%100.00%
Clay Golem22.11%100.00%
Divine Sorceress22.11%100.00%
Haunted Spider22.11%50.00%
Twisted Jester22.11%50.00%
Kelp Initiate22.11%100.00%
Spark Pixies22.11%100.00%
Skeleton Assassin11.05%0.00%
Naga Fire Wizard11.05%100.00%
Ettin Spearman11.05%100.00%
Cave Slug11.05%100.00%
Goblin Sorcerer11.05%100.00%
Stone Golem11.05%100.00%
Stonesplitter Orc11.05%100.00%
Crystal Jaguar11.05%0.00%
Spineback Wolf11.05%0.00%
Cursed Slimeball11.05%100.00%
Death Elemental11.05%100.00%
Sea Monster11.05%100.00%
Exploding Dwarf11.05%0.00%
Javelin Thrower11.05%0.00%
Screeching Vulture11.05%100.00%
Goblin Fireballer11.05%100.00%
Giant Roc11.05%100.00%
Flame Monkey11.05%100.00%
Failed Summoner11.05%0.00%
Temple Priest11.05%100.00%

All of my Water Splinter monsters were undefeated thanks to my powerful summoner. The other monsters mostly had win rates of over 50% except for the Elven Mystic and Silvershield Sheriff. I'm not sure why they did so poorly for me, I'll have to reconsider when I use them. Maybe I can find a better substitute monster. Or maybe I just need to level them up to bring out their full potential.

Win Rate by Ruleset

RulesetFrequencyWin Rate
Healed Out977.78%
Noxious Fumes862.50%
Armored Up862.50%
Close Range742.86%
Super Sneak742.86%
Heavy Hitters633.33%
Odd Ones Out683.33%
Target Practice633.33%
Equal Opportunity560.00%
Holy Protection540.00%
Aim True425.00%
Lost Magic475.00%
Rise of the Commons475.00%
Reverse Speed4100.00%
Up Close & Personal366.67%
Weak Magic366.67%
Back to Basics333.33%
Silenced Summoners3100.00%
Lost Legendaries366.67%
Fog of War3100.00%
Spreading Fury2100.00%
Keep Your Distance250.00%
Broken Arrows250.00%
Explosive Weaponry2100.00%
Melee Mayhem2100.00%
Even Stevens250.00%
Taking Sides10.00%
Little League10.00%

For the first time I have a lot of rulesets listed thanks to advancing above of the novice and bronze leagues.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard12210
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold00

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲DEC💲
Legendary Potions134160
Alchemy Potions426300
UNTAMED Packs0000
Cards (Total)8412210

Captured DEC (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
2216 DEC

My reward cards were not very interesting. No Epic or Legendary or gold Foil cards this season. Only a handful of Common and Rare cards.

I did earn a lot of DEC this season and that means I can try out the new card leasing that was released yesterday. I hope I can afford a few good cards with last seasons winning and that investment will increase this seasons winnings even more. There is still over a week left in this season so I should have plenty of time to improve my standing.

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card.
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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Spectacular ranked ratio. Nice.

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