Been a long time! I do play this account some seasons but haven't made a report on it lately. So in the past I could get to Silver but lately I'm stuck in Bronze.
Match Report
Stat | #wild |
Bronze Rank | 48675 |
Rating | 580 - Bronze II |
Rating High | 621 |
Ratio (Win/Loss) | 1.40 (7/5) |
Longest Streak | 3 |
Bronze II to be exact. The Win/Loss is decent. You need 700 to get to Bronze I and was getting there but then suffered losses.
Rewards Report
Standard Foil Cards
Rarity | Quantity |
Common | 2 |
Rare | 0 |
Epic | 0 |
Legendary | 0 |
Total Standard | 2 |
Gold Foil Cards
Rarity | Quantity |
Common | 0 |
Rare | 0 |
Epic | 0 |
Legendary | 0 |
Total Gold | 0 |
Loot Chests
Reward Chests | Dailies | Season | Total | 💲Token |
Legendary Potions | 0 | 0 | 0 | 🟡 0 |
Alchemy Potions | 1 | 0 | 1 | 🟡 50 |
DEC | 0 | 0 | - | 🟣 0 |
SPS | 0.047 | 0.203 | - | ⭐ 0.250 |
Merits | 0 | 7 | - | 🎀 7 |
CHAOS Packs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 🟡 0 |
Cards (Total) | 2 | 0 | 2 | - |
Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)
Ranked Play Wins | DEC Earned |
7 | 🟣 0 + ⭐0.107 |
Total Ranked Play Rewards
Total Ranked Play Earnings |
🟣 0 DEC |
🟡 50 CREDITS |
⭐ 0.357 SPS |
2 cards, both common. To be expected from just getting 2 cards.
I did get 50 Credits, not sure how or why, but thanks! Anyway, this current season is almost over and I am at 510 rating, Bronze II. Might I hit Bronze I? We'll see!
Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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