# The fallen gods - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 66 Report Card


Almost making some average performance here, both in terms of win/loss ratio as for the rank - Champion III, 20 XP away from Champion II.

Match Report


Champion Rank482
Rating3780 - Champion III
Rating High3860
Ratio (Win/Loss)0.99 (191/193)
Longest Streak10

Win/loss ratio of 0.99, with 191 wins and 193 losses.

Tournaments Report


TournamentLeagueEditionsPlacement/#entrantsRatio (Win/Loss+Draw)Prize
Tidalring Modern Novice InvitationalNoviceModern Open47/1620.91 (10/11/0)51.7 SPS


SplinterShards (SPS)151.7
Fees (estimate)Quantity

Lost of tournaments, not showing up on the report this time. API needs updating, I think.

Rewards Report

Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
191✨ 200045 Glint + ⭐1033.684 SPS
Season Rewards Claimed✨ 178126 Glint
Glint Spent✨ (376150) Glint

Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

In terms of Glint, I made 376K this season, and right now I have 200K ready for shopping, probably tommorow as it is late and I go to sleep soon.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards145.762
Ranked Rewards as above1033.684
Brawl Rewards25.718
Land Rewards355.373
Liquidity Rewards204.687
License Stake Rewards83.024
NET SPS1848.248

I made 1848 SPS this season, worth $12.38, hilarious, isn't it, with a bit over 1000 coming from the ranked rewards. Most probably, if I am do update my Rebellino cards, I may get a few more wins. Summoners first.

Overall, I made $27.81 in total this month playing Splinterlands. Not really worth the effort lately.

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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