# It was a good season - Splinter Stats Season 54 Report Card

in #splinterstats4 years ago (edited)


Man hat gemerkt, dass neue Spielende hinzugekommen sind - die Wartezeiten in Bronze und auch Silber sind kürzer geworden. Und ich habe auch die eine oder andere Karte geliehen, wenn die Quest auf einen Splinter fiel, wo mein Deck nicht so gut bestückt ist.

It was noticeable that there are more new players in the game, less waiting time for a match in the lower levels :) And I rented a card or two when I had a quest for a splinter where my cards were lacking.

Match Report


Gold Rank2865
Rating1904 - Gold III
Rating High1904
Total Rating Movements (+-)2784
Ranked Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw)2.38 (76/32/0)
Longest Streak16
Highest Rated Win vs@shlmo (2001)

Das mit dem Nicht-Verlieren müsste ich noch einmal üben ;)

>I really have to learn how not to loose so much...

Top 10 Summoner Usage

SummonerFrequencyTeams FieldedWin Rate
Lyanna Natura1414.14%64.29%
Yodin Zaku1414.14%92.86%
Jarlax the Undead1111.11%100.00%
Mother Khala77.07%71.43%
Chanseus the Great77.07%42.86%
Zintar Mortalis66.06%83.33%
Byzantine Kitty55.05%60.00%
Lir Deepswimmer55.05%60.00%
The Peakrider55.05%80.00%

Wie man sieht - ich habe Summoner gemietet. Dummerweise gibt es im Low Level-Bereich meist Kämpfe mit niedrigem Gesamt-Mana und da kann man einen 7 Mana Summoner schlecht nutzen.

>You can clearly see that I rented a summoner or two. Unfortunately, the matches in Silver mostly have low Mana, which makes using a 7 Mana summoner not advisable.

Top 100 Monster Usage

MonsterFrequencyTeams FieldedWin Rate
Furious Chicken6666.67%74.24%
Haunted Spirit1919.19%89.47%
Creeping Ooze1818.18%66.67%
Kobold Miner1313.13%92.31%
Sea Monster1212.12%58.33%
Haunted Spider1010.10%90.00%
Silvershield Knight99.09%55.56%
Sand Worm88.08%62.50%
Parasitic Growth88.08%37.50%
Sacred Unicorn88.08%62.50%
Screeching Vulture88.08%75.00%
Fire Beetle88.08%75.00%
Spirit Miner77.07%85.71%
Grumpy Dwarf77.07%71.43%
Cave Slug77.07%28.57%
Giant Roc77.07%85.71%
Water Elemental77.07%57.14%
Undead Priest66.06%100.00%
Fineas Rage66.06%83.33%
Luminous Eagle66.06%66.67%
Divine Healer66.06%66.67%
Wood Nymph66.06%66.67%
Sea Genie66.06%66.67%
Feasting Seaweed66.06%33.33%
Twisted Jester66.06%83.33%
Fire Demon66.06%100.00%
Goblin Mech55.05%60.00%
Ant Miners55.05%100.00%
Corrupted Pegasus55.05%80.00%
Silvershield Warrior55.05%60.00%
Sabre Shark55.05%40.00%
Skeleton Assassin55.05%100.00%
Screaming Banshee44.04%100.00%
Minotaur Warrior44.04%50.00%
Serpentine Spy44.04%100.00%
Ettin Spearman44.04%75.00%
War Chaang44.04%75.00%
Earth Elemental44.04%75.00%
Kobold Bruiser44.04%100.00%
The Gorlodon33.03%100.00%
Animated Corpse33.03%100.00%
Goblin Thief33.03%33.33%
Kron the Undying33.03%33.33%
Bila the Radiant33.03%100.00%
Silvershield Bard33.03%66.67%
Mushroom Seer33.03%100.00%
Ice Pixie33.03%66.67%
Captain's Ghost33.03%66.67%
Wave Runner33.03%100.00%
Prismatic Energy22.02%100.00%
Phantom Soldier22.02%100.00%
Undead Badger22.02%50.00%
Stonesplitter Orc22.02%0.00%
Silvershield Paladin22.02%50.00%
Hero of Beyond22.02%100.00%
Gremlin Blaster22.02%50.00%
Nectar Queen22.02%100.00%
Tower Griffin22.02%50.00%
Crustacean King22.02%100.00%
Tortisian Fighter22.02%50.00%
Electric Eels22.02%50.00%
Rusty Android22.02%100.00%
Spineback Wolf22.02%100.00%
Elven Cutthroat22.02%100.00%
Exploding Dwarf22.02%50.00%
Spark Pixies22.02%50.00%
Zalran Efreet22.02%100.00%
Feral Spirit22.02%50.00%
Orc Sergeant22.02%50.00%
Lord of Darkness11.01%100.00%
Beatrix Ironhand11.01%0.00%
Molten Ogre11.01%100.00%
Living Lava11.01%100.00%
Naga Fire Wizard11.01%100.00%
Baby Unicorn11.01%100.00%
Lone Boatman11.01%0.00%
Crystal Jaguar11.01%100.00%
Javelin Thrower11.01%100.00%
Barking Spider11.01%100.00%
Elven Defender11.01%0.00%
Enchanted Defender11.01%100.00%
Imp Bowman11.01%100.00%
Magi of the Forest11.01%100.00%

Wer liebt das verrüchte Huhn nicht? Aber Karten wie der Imp Bowman oder Magi of the Forest müssen sich schon vernachlässigt fühlen. Tja, der Magi ist halt erst richtig schick, wenn er in höheren Leveln seine zusätzlichen Fertigkeiten einsetzen kann.

We all love the chicken, don't we? And cards like Magi of the Forest or Imp Bowman must feel a bit neglected. Well, especially the Magi gets more interesting in higher levels where he can use his additional skills.

Win Rate by Ruleset

RulesetFrequencyWin Rate
Healed Out977.78%
Noxious Fumes8100.00%
Explosive Weaponry875.00%
Spreading Fury771.43%
Equal Opportunity6100.00%
Heavy Hitters666.67%
Lost Legendaries580.00%
Melee Mayhem580.00%
Even Stevens540.00%
Super Sneak580.00%
Taking Sides560.00%
Aim True4100.00%
Armored Up40.00%
Little League475.00%
Lost Magic475.00%
Reverse Speed450.00%
Up Close & Personal366.67%
Close Range366.67%
Silenced Summoners366.67%
Rise of the Commons333.33%
Broken Arrows2100.00%
Holy Protection250.00%
Odd Ones Out250.00%
Fog of War20.00%
Target Practice10.00%
Keep Your Distance1100.00%
Weak Magic10.00%
Back to Basics10.00%

Tja. Manche Sachen liegen mir, manche nicht.

Well, some rule sets are easier for me than others...

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard15270
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold00

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲DEC💲
Legendary Potions314160
Alchemy Potions5510500
UNTAMED Packs0000
Cards (Total)51015270

Captured DEC (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
4127 DEC

Keine goldenen Karten, aber ich war insgesamt zufrieden mit den Rewards.

No gold foil cards, but I'm quite content with the rewards - especially with the "I would have been a pack" 2000 DEC.

Rental Report


Wie gesagt, ein paar Summoner gemietet für die Daily Quest und die eine oder andere Karte.

I already wrote about it, I rented some summoners and other cards. I have to look into which cards might be good to rent longterm.

Das war eine Season, die wieder Spaß gemacht hat und Lust auf mehr :)

I enjoyed playing Splinterlands during the last season and am looking forward to the next!

Old Legendary Dragons

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card.
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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Ich hab an der Silber III gekratzt, bin schlussendlich bei Bronze I gelandet. Potenzial nach oben, aber jetzt zu Beginn der neuen Saison merke ich, dass es kein Selbstläufer wird mit rentals. Mittlerweile haben es alle raus und es gibt auch hier Leute, die sich die etwas höherwertigeren Karten leihen können.

@monsterchiller SPS Report

Hello. Testing the new SPS Airdrop table. This should show all amounts claimed by your account, regardless of where your assets where are held. The Staking Rewards should begin showing in Season 55's report.

TypeAmount Claimed
Staking Rewards0

Thanks for using the SplinterStats Season Report Card 👍