# My first Silver - Splinter Stats Season 58 Report Card

in #splinterstats3 years ago


I had to rent some gold cards to have enough power to reach silver but it was worth it

Match Report


Silver Rank4946
Rating1878 - Silver III
Rating High1944
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.26 (270/215)
Tournament Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw)2.10 (65/30/1)
Tournament Reward Placements2/9
Longest Streak8

I'm pretty excited about my performance so far this season. I've learned a lot.

Top 10 Summoner Usage


Top 100 Monster Usage


Win Rate by Ruleset


Tournaments Report


TournamentLeagueEditionsPlacement/#entrantsRatio (Win/Loss+Draw)Prize
Sunday Practice for NoobsBronzeOpen3/13913 (13/0/0)150 DEC
Free Novice Training GroundsNoviceOpen10/3293.00 (3/1/0)30 DEC


Dark Energy Crystals (DEC)2180

not as good of results as last season when I won 400 dec in a tournament but still fun.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard16125
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold00

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲DEC💲
Legendary Potions01140
Alchemy Potions134200
UNTAMED Packs0000
Cards (Total)10616125

Captured DEC (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
1474 DEC

I like the venari wave smith

Rental Report

TypeDEC (fees)
Revenue7.400 (0.364)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

I rented some golds to rank up. I did that 2 seasons ago and it was not worth it at all. Spent more dec to rank up than I earned. This time around I feel much differently. totally made up for last time

SPS Report

TypeAmount Claimed
Staking Rewards26.357

I bought 1000 SPS and staked it

Looking forward to seeing what earnings are like with these new dec rewards. Since they moved bronze to credits, I've noticed so much more earnings.

this morning I finished my daily and in the chest was 7200 DEC!! and I saw today that dec crossed into 1 us penny... that means I made $72 USD by winning 5 games with sneak. crazy!

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card.
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.


Hello, @powermeat

This is @fionasfavourites from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive - congratulations and welcome! It would also be awesome if you could do an introduction post, so our community can get to know you better. For an example of what an intro post is like, you can check out this one by my friend & curation team member - Keeping Up With the Buzz – My Introduction to the Hive Community.

Speaking of community, we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out – Hive Communities.

Also since you're new, you may run into an RC (Resource Credits) error when trying to comment/post because you don't yet have enough Hive in your account yet. For assistance with a temporary delegation to get you started, be sure to check out the Gift Giver site.

Also, as this the hive can be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide is a growing repository of useful – easy to understand – posts about how the Hive ecosystem works.

For now, @lovesniper will follow your account and we are looking forward to seeing your intro post. Also, you are welcome to tag me (@fionasfavourites) and please mention @lovesniper in your intro post in order for us to be notified, so we can consider your post for OCD curation. Feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server if you have any questions!