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RE: Splinterlands Chaos Legion General Sale and Pack Investment!

in #splintertalk3 years ago

Nice Pogs! Think I've got all the CL packs I'll be needing for my playing accounts plus a bunch of extra's to go in the rental / land worker account. I'll be turning all my game earnings into CL packs while it's in stock and use those as investment purchases to sell sometime much later in the future. Looks like I should be getting enough of the airdrops to stock my regular foil playing accounts and with any luck I'll get a gold foil or two to beef up that account as well. All in all it's been a great start to the Chaos Legion era for me, now I just need to figure out how to use the cards... Lots of new and intriguing combinations with the new summoners and older cards especially.


I can only hope to follow in the amount of packs you've purchased! So far all the packs I've opened are enough for me to go Silver, with the power being enough for gold 3 only. It's such a long way for me to get my own cards for the league I want to compete in, but I'll get there eventually. I hope to be like you and grow my account way beyond what it is today! haha