Using Mylor Crawling - Novice to Bronze III

in #splintertalk4 years ago



Whenever you get enough DEC start renting Mylor Crawling. It will cost you around 30 DEC (level 1). The second character to get is a healer, Wood Nymph which will cost you 1 DEC. These two alone will win you matches from Novice to Bronze III.

Summoner - Mylor Crawling (all level 1)
1 - Flesh Golem or Unicorn Mustang
2 - Failed Summoner or Minotaur Warrior
3 - Wood Nymph
4 - Goblin Sorcerer or (5) Goblin Thief
5 - (5/6)Earth Elemental
6 - Centaur or Mantroid

Once I reach Bronze II, I'll update my lineup which is working out for me.

Stay Tuned