How to beat the god - Kron the Undying

in #splintertalk4 years ago

After hitting a rating of 1485, I kept battling players who never ceased to use Kron the Undying!

Just look at the health of this guy, to top it up, he heals every round! I was quite helpless, as I kept getting trashed I felt frustrated! Lol!

After some reflection, I was able to come up with an idea of using Torhilo the frozen to reduce Kron's magic attack, while the crustacean king helped in healing from any heavy damage done to Torhilo.
At the range position, the Halfling Alchemist was quite useful in reducing Kron's attack, while Axemaster kept delivering double damage. I was finally able to defeat Kron with these key monsters (in my team) below! I was very excited!

Here's the link to the battle: Defeating Kron

You can try using the aforementioned monsters if you are having some trouble with Kron in the bronze leagues!

Good Luck!