Silver 3 Daily Quest award

in #splintertalk4 years ago
After hitting a good streak with my water splinter, I broke into Silver...

Then I scored water splinter for my quest. Since I was streaking with water, that was a very lucky draw. I kept playing after finishing the quests to see if I could prolong the streak all the way into Silver 2. Alas, it was not to be. When I got down to the target 80% DEC rate, I was at three losses in a row.


This is with quest reward potions, of course. I had about 100 on my account from ages ago before I stopped playing last time. Let's see what we draw...

100% meh. I scored more DEC than that in the winning streaks that got me here. Better luck next time, I suppose.

Play Splinterlands for fun & profit:


Still congratz on Silver 3 my guy :)

Thank you! I'm hoping that I can make it to Silver 2 tomorrow; going to miss the last few days of the season probably, so maybe I can run my DEC rate down a bit more over the next couple of days.

Persistence should alway win! :D Good luck man!

Yeah, the quest reward doesn't justify the price of the quest potion.

Definitely not at the new costs. I had over 100 quest potions from the last time I stocked up a couple of years ago. They can't really be turned off until they are made more worthwhile, unless I want to just stop playing and wait...

Hopefully, Splinterlands will apply their solutions before too long to the issue of Quest Rewards.