Hi everyone! Pogier here with the second unofficial PeakMonsters Guilds Brawl Report! I finally got to join in this brawl and spoiler alert, I didn't rent any cards! Get ready to see some awesome matches from me, Vikings, and Legion! Let's get started!
P.S. Apologies for the late upload. I had a lot of things that required immediate attention, but here it is!
Overall Vikings Guild Performance: 4th Place
In this brawl, Vikings took 4th place with 62 wins, 64 losses, and 0 draws. For our effort, we got 29 crowns with each participating member winning 1450 merits.
Captain's Bounty
For this brawl, the bounty has been set on Team Possible!
Viking Performance!
Like the Vikings of old, we must honor the warriors that secured the most victories! These Vikings have at most only 2 losses! Let's all congratulate @No2, @UrchinTrader, @ShallWish, and @CryptoCopy for smashing through their foes!
Personal Brawl Results:
In this brawl, my score was 5 wins and 3 losses. I was assigned to Bronze Level Chaos Legion. This was my first time in this game mode, and I was a bit nervous. This was the first time I didn't rent for this brawl since I have all the Chaos Legion cards except Doctor Blight. Let's check out my battles!
My Battle Replays
Battle #1: Win
In a Noxious Fumes game mode, picking either water or fire is a must just so we have the cleanse ability. I went for the fire splinter route in order to have two monsters with bloodlust, Grum Flameblade and Chimney Wallstop. The strategy of this match was to do as much damage to the front as possible while whittling the backline a bit. I also placed a Xenith Monk at the back just to act as a buffer for sneak/opportunity attacks. Since he could heal himself every turn, it was like he wasn't even poisoned. The match was easily won as the opponent's strategy was to quickly kill me off while mine was to outlast the poison.
Battle #2: Lose
The enemy Portal Spinner came in really clutch in this match. It instantly destroyed my Pelacor Arbalest, which instantly put me on the backfoot. I realized after the match began that my strategy wasn't ideal here. I brought in Captain Katie to get in a few kills hopefully but I realized I should have another unit with snipe. The main problem is the current chaos legion life splinter has no snipe. This made my Captain Katie choice, a poor one. The moment my Legionnaire Alvar was killed, it was GG.
Battle #3: Win
This is the first time I've won a match with the Witch of Warwick showing their stuff! In a reverse speed meta, the witch of warwick comes in pretty strong because of the natural 1 speed. The match was pretty close at the beginning with our strategies being very similar. What gave us the win in the end was the fact I had the Witch of Warwick. With bloodlust and life leech, it was a given that they'd be OP!
Battle #4: Lose
I felt really stupid in this match. I was too focused on trying to find a way to decrease the effects of the earthquake game mode that I forgot I should've used my Quora! It felt like I gave the enemy a free win.
Battle #5: Win
In an Up Close & Personal game mode, Tarsa is the easy pick here! The +1 melee damage and the fact that fire can use the double bloodlust technique, this was a no brainer! Watch the beauty of my bloodlust takeover the battlefield!
Battle #6 BOUNTY MATCH: Lose
This was my bounty match, but I ended up losing! The enemy's chaos agent got a lot of clutch evades from my Damon, so I wasn't able to get in the necessary kills. In addition, the armor the enemy had because of Queen Mycellia was an extremely good counter for me. I lost this match convincingly as I was outplayed.
Battle #7: Win
The strategy I came in here was to support my main tank, Baakjira, while Isgald Vorst goes to town on the enemy backline. This worked perfectly as the enemy wasn't even able to defeat a single one of my units. It took a while to whittle the enemy down but I got it done!
Battle #8: Win
At first glance you'd think the stars of this match are Grum and Wallstop right? That's where it gets surprising. They were literally meatbags and didn't even get any good hits in! The one that took down the enemy were the last 3 units on my team. All it took was magic damage in the front and Sneak attack at the back. It's a good thing the enemy wasn't too tanky so I was able to eke out a victory, despite being overpowered in terms of total damage output.
Vikings' Bounty Matches
@leoch's match!
The thorn damage came in really handy in this match! The enemy was able to quickly destroy leouch's backline, but the Cured Windeku proved to be too solid of a primary tank. This allowed leouch's team to wipe through the enemy and the moment the enemy Dr Blight was killed, it was obviously GG.
@no2's match!
This was a very close match! No2's strategy was to quickly destroy the enemy backline through snipe while having enough tankiness in the frontline to protect the real damage dealers. It also helps that Whistling Damon was able to get in the kills with his snipe, which activated the bloodlust. It was really fun to see Damon go to town and one shotting the enemy!
@Jordy00's match!
Waka Spiritblade is in the house! At first glance, this match doesn't look like Jordy could win this, but because of the minus magic damage, the advantage was tilted towards Jordy! In addition, the first few monsters were extremely squishy so once the tanks were down, it was GG.
@shallwish's match!
This was a very fun match to watch! I always enjoy seeing double bloodlust on a fire team, but the one that did the most work here was Chimney Wallstop! Even at the end when Quora was on her last stand, he was able to do 8 damage per match and the best part is SW didn't even lose a single monster! Talk about a clean match!
@lostintime's match!
There's only one option to use when you've got a blast + reverse speed game mode: Grum Flameblade! This match was a straightforward "watch Grum chew you up like yesterday's meatloaf!
Vikings Highlights
@lostintime's match: Sustain Wins!
Both teams here brought in taunt to counter the opportunity game mode. This match was actually pretty close! Mylor's thorns were useless in this match, but so was the minus 1 ranged damage of Quix. The enemy had the advantage speed-wise but LiT had the advantage of the multiple healers! In the end once the barrages began, the winner of this match was decided by who could take the most hits. Of course that would be the one with the highest sustain! We can expect that the Wild format will be full of matches like these, the best of the different card packs!
@ytfdinau's match: Oops, Blunder!
Both teams had the same idea but it seems like the enemy forgot to fix their lineup. The Flying Squid was placed in a spot that didn't utilize the reach ability. This mistake cost the enemy this match as the overall damage on ytfdinau's team was just too much for the enemy to handle.
@lostintime's match: Blast Them!
LiT once again showing the power of Yodin! In this match the blast damage ensured that the enemy was already out-damaged! In addition, putting the Serpentine Soldier at the back prevented the enemy from completely capitalizing on the sneak game mode. In the end Yodin once again shows why he costs so damn much!
Legion Highlights
@mr-kerad's match: Magic Bombardment!
This match was a full frontal focus magic assault! I honestly expected Clove71's Quora to destroy Mr-Kerad, but the consistent magic damage from the team made swift work of Quora. The moment she died, the backline was sure to follow. Both teams had the same strategy in mind, but Mr Kerad's full focus on magic damage proved to be the better strategy.
@culturearise369's match: Power of Modern!
This match shows the power of modern league versus the wild! Even though there was a 2 mana disadvantage because of the summoner choice, CA369's strategy was to capitalize on opportunity attacks strengthened by inspire. This was a solid decision as the enemy was completely destroyed!
@culturearise369's match: Poison + Enraged = Damage!
What do you get when you combine Spreading Fury and Noxius Fumes? Melee units that hit hard, hit fast, but die really quickly! This match was a fast one and the key to CA369's victory was Isgald Vorst getting enough kills to increase bloodlust and finally one-shotting the enemy's tankiest unit, Sea Monster.
- Everyone in PeakMonsters for doing a great job!
- Cover photo created using canva.com and the included elements
- Logos and images used are from Splinterlands
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Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Nice report! Good work.