Personally I don't see the merits in perceiving myself as the victim and do my best to consider both sides. Since you mentioned being fairly new to Hive, I figure its best to be as charitable as possible but you really missed the mark on this one and this comes off as a virtue signal or misinformed use of buzzwords. Facebook being centralized is a non factor in this situation as it was a private group you joined and chose to ignore the rules of said group. You could call that centralization but individuals control the communities here so if that's centralization then so is Hive.
This scrutiny you encountered also exists on Hive and if you post in a community like Leofinance but you're not posting financial content or don't follow the rules then you would be met with backlash. Sure you won't be censored but you aren't really censored on FB either just unable to post in that particular group. It also looked like a slap on the wrist to give you a warning as you were only muted for a short while but you decided to overreact and be vile instead of communicating in a civil manner, calling them fuckheads instead of debating them on their implementation. It's their group, they can make whatever rules and moderate however they want and it's generally to clean up the group so it doesn't get junked up by spam. I don't have any authority over what you do with your splinterland cards just like you don't have any authority over their group.
I don't understand where your sense of privilege in this situation comes from. Hope this helps and you maybe check your attitude because people will downvote or flag you if you do that here. People can be very protective of the communities they foster here and there are rules for each community.
I understand 100% ... I have had a life long problem of taking things to heart and over reacting... If You knew me about a year ago go and you read what I said in that group now you would probably think that I have come a long way because I was really bad in the past but I'm working on that period.
I feel as I have a pretty good understanding of where I should post what content on hive, With Leo finance you said keep it it finance. I'll keep marijuana in the weed network, And gaming we'll stay in the gaming, Web development and programming there's plenty of places for that....
I don't know what it is about hive but I feel more at ease but I feel more at ease posting here even though the communities are kind of centralized... I find much more toxicity on Facebook.
But I really do appreciate the reply and it does make me think a little bit different I can't change what I did in that group I'm already kicked out of it but but I'm going to consider some of your advice in the future.
Peace and !LUV
Have you ever heard of the double slit experiment? To me it always seems like whatever your perception is of a place, that's what you find. People try to explain this with a number of different phenomena such as the law of attraction or observation bias but it's interesting to consider. Theres all sorts of people in all groups so it often comes down to who you surround yourself and the tone you respond to people with. Sometimes a group of people on edge can be a slippery slope when all that anxiety leads to a powderkeg and simple standoffishness can lead to feuds and animosity when some clarity could have eased tensions and lead to friendships and partnerships. There's a lot of different psychological factors at play.
I have not heard of the double slit experiment but I'm going to Google it soon here.. In all honestly I really wanted to get kicked out of the group anyway because most of the post I see in there are negative negative or toxic. I kind of knew deep down inside I was gonna get kicked out so I just wanted to go out with a Bang anyway..
LMFAO.... nailed it.
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