in #splintertalk3 years ago (edited)


Many players have been frustrated with Life especially new ones. Whenever they get a Daily Quest that involves using life splinter they immediately rant saying that it's the most difficult quests they ever experienced.


Contrary to what they say life is one of the best teams of the game. I mean you might aswell consider them as Death like zombies coz they can ressurect 3 times in a match provided you have the right cards. Seriously death was suppose to have those characteristics "Annoying" but instead it's with the Life Team.

Players overlook life because of their low damage and slow attack but they are built differently. If you ask me I describe them as Sturdy and Annoying. So let's get into details how you'll turn your frustration to satisfaction.


Here are the summoners of Life team aside from the 2 rare summoners that you can use freely, It's fairly easy to distinguish whether it should be use for high mana or low.





There you go, these summoners will definitely help you in doing those frustrating life quests.

Types of Teams

There are many types of teams you can form in life but it's just normally consists of these two.

Sneak Team

This is the most common team you'll see with life. The team is consists of a tank a healer or a filler and the killers which are your sneak cards.

Below are the main cards needed to compose a good "Sneak Team"

This card right here is the main killer of the "Sneak Team"

2nd in command but one can argue that he is included even in the lowest mana while SSA is not.

"The accomplice", together with the 2 from the top they make a clean heist on the backlines of the enemy

"The Part-timer", they call this guy when there are heavy liftings to be done. (High mana)

So these guys are the mainstays of the "Sneak Team". Tbh, I love this team it's cheap to rent and effective in taking out the so called "OP LLAMA & KRON". If you haven't tried it yet, go for it. You'll be smiling infront of your cp/pc once you've done it.

Pointers to Remember

  • Use cards that add armors when facing opponents with thorns blast.
  • Do not force when you can easily predict that your opponent will be using Mylor Crowling.
  • When mana is high enough insert ShieldBearer as Tank to freely attack the backlines of the enemy without worrying you'll get sniped or sneaked.
  • Avoid using the team when enemy is heavy into flying the teams accuracy is not that good unless you'll be using Brighton Bloom (Summoner provides Flying to all monsters)
  • Always account for possible opponent prediction.
Tank Team

Let me introduce you guys to the main characters of this team.

"The Mastermind" this guy right here is the miracle worker, even bringing the dead back is not impossible for him.

"The Tank" he is the man everyone wants to take down when present.

"The Bodyguard" the one who protects the tank and tries to get rid of those attackers.

They are the core of the "Tank Team" sure there are some other we can put in but these 3 right here are the most integral part of it. This team is fun to use too. Even the Great Yodin can't pass this team provided with the right members.

Pointers to Remember

  • Always calculate the mana since this is the biggest facotr in using the "Tank Team".
  • Make sure you have fill in the remaining slots of members with good attack ability coz that's normally what this team is missing.
  • This team can be combined with the "Sneak Team"
  • Always avoid forcing this team in facing a Magic Team coz this is their weakness.
  • Experiment to explore more possibilites.

Life Cards

So the following will be the cards that are worth getting/renting to complement the two Life Teams that we have.

Good for Rules like poison since it has "Immunity", Can also be a good Tank for the "Sneak Team" provided that mana is enough.

Great in 1st position when Trample rule is up also good in low mana fights.

Very Good when put in the "Tank Team" and even in "Sneak Team". Provides addionatal melee damage from "Inspire", This is also one of the reason why the "Tank Team" can be called "Zombie Team".

Another member of the "Zombie Team".

Effective tank for "Sneak Team" can stall time until the team clears the back line.

"Mama Coco" great healer and slower for low mana situations.

*"Mini-Bodyguard" a good substitute for the Boatman when mana is not enough"

Good fit for the "Tank Team" especially high leagues vs Yodin Zaku. Just put it behind ShieldBearer and watch them "Return Fire" kill all the range attackers.

If you feel like you need more options feel free to add more. But those cards up there are certainly enough to make those frustrations go away.

Once again LIFE TEAM is one of the best teams out there and all you need to do is be familiar with them just like what you did on the current teams that you favor at the moment.

If you think you have more ideas about the life teams composition especially to those long time players please feel free to add it down below. The more help our new players can get the better it is for our community.

Thank you for reading this post and I'll see you again on the next one.

Edit: Someone just pointed out to me that it was Life and not Light so I edited it. Sorry for the wrong name.