Splinterlands Quest Potion - Worth it?

in #splintertalk3 years ago

What is Quest Potion?

  • This item gives you 5 additional loot chests on daily quest. If you're at bronze 3, you will get 6 loot chests instead of 1.

How much does it cost?

  • 750 Dark Energy Crystals

Is it worth buying?

  • With the current price of 750 dec for a single quest potion, statistics say that quest potion is a gamble. The answer depends on your luck. Sometimes you get less than what you spent but there are these times when you hit the 'jackpot'.

Trivia: Buying quest potions with credits was removed because everyone's getting a lot of rare stuffs for a very small amount of investment which is $0.75 per quest potion. Players were creating multiple accounts and then loading them up with quest potions. The result? Reward cards ran out immediately.



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