The Ascendant - From Novice to Champion (2022-02-20) - 730 Credits and Four new Cards

What is the Purpose

  • To see how far I can go without monetary investment
What is Prohibited
  • Monetary investment aside from the initial Spellbook cost
  • Renting cards from others (Renting my own cards to others is ok)
  • Delegations
  • Transferring assets from other accounts into this one
What is Allowed

Todays Update - Day 15

Today was a fire quest. I am quite happy with how I played, as I won five out of eight games. I even got an amazing reward of 730 credits.

I was able to claim 0.037 SPS from the airdrop and 0.004 from staking. Same numbers as yesterday; however, tomorrow's numbers should be higher, I hope.

I took some time to convert most of my blog rewards into DEC totalling 45.785 DEC. This was transferred to my Splinterlands account. I used my DEC gains and credits received in my daily reward to purchase four new cards. I purchased:

  1. Djinn Chwala for $0.63 or 186.982 DEC
    ** I feel that this is a solid Dragon card due to its high health, shield, and thorns ability.
  2. Uraeus or $0.63 or 186.982 DEC
    ** I feel that this card has great utility for its cost.
  3. Vernai Wavesmith for $0.157 or 157 credits
    ** This card can be useful for playing Bortus or when more shields are needed. It will also be useful for silent summoners later on.
  4. Djinn Renova for $0.59 or 590 credits.
    ** This should provide great use when I have to do life quests. I also feel that this card is strong for high mana matches.

These four cards provided me with 320 CP as well as new cards that should help me moving forwards. This brings me up to 410 CP, which is almost halfway to the bronze II requirements. I also got a refund of 17.897 DEC from Monster Market.

I'm not planning on tracking the credits that I spend on cards.

On another note, I wanted to talk about part of what inspired me to do this challenge. Something that I may have already mentioned is that I had another account doing something similar to this one; however, there is one key difference. That account is only relying on reserouces generated in game in order to progress. Said account was started on January 5th, 2022, and is currently sitting at 120 CP. I had originally considered opening that account up to delegations and simply sending cards earned to my main account or playing it like a normal account and using tools such as renting or other reserouces like giveaways. I had been browsing PeakD at some point and saw a post by user @zero2hero1. I found the challenge that they were running to be quite interesting and thought it would be fun to do something similar (though at a much less intense pace), especially when considering the other account that I mentioned above, as I could compare the growth of the two. The challenge that zero2hero 1 was running lead me to not only start this account, but also to continue to my other account down its current path. I'd recommending checking out their account if you have a chance. The challenge that they are doing has higher stakes due to a timeline, and the last time I looked at their progress, they appeared to be moving at a much quicker and more efficient pace then I am.

Speaking of my other experimental account, I had written two blog posts on the progress of that account, detailing the events of two weeks. If there is interest, I might be able to find some time to restart those updates. Post rewards would likely be taken in pure hive power, which I would possibly delegate to this account. Currently, the hive power for this account has come from the Giftgiver Faucet, a small delegation from my main account, a small delegation from Splinterlands, and the hive power earnings from these posts.

Very exciting update today in my opinion. I'll see you all tomorrow.

Quest Reward

Screenshot (221).png

Total Assets

CPCreditsDECSPSA. PotionsL. Potions

Win Rates

Win %WinsLossesDrawStreakplayed
All Time45.47910217182

SPS Tracking

S.L.F Gain = Splinter Labs Faucet Gain
Total Airdrop Points: 427

DateS.L.F GainGiveawaysAirdrop GainStaked GainTotal SPS$ value
(All Time)0.37430.1040.021----------------

DEC Tracking

Total DEC Gained All TimeTotal DEC Spent on CardsCurrent Total DEC
DateS.L.F GainBattlesM.M. RefundBlog PostsTotal DEC Gained
(All time)283.521020.431180.844-----------

CP Tracking

DateQuest RewardsEOS RewadsGiveawaysPurchasesTotal
(All Time)25520360----

Card Statistics

Copyright Notice

A post detailing how to access the card images can be found here: The Image of the credits in the post was taken from the Splinterlands game.