Fight review #1

in #splintertalk4 years ago

Hey everyone!
Been thinking about joining the ranks of the bloggers to share some of my thoughts and ideas with the community and the way I think, mainly to help people who are in the same position and situation that I was in.

A quick intro! I started playing a month ago and immediately fell in love with the game. Since it was kind of a late start it wasnt really economically feasible for me to buy cards since the prices skyrocketed and some of the more popular cards were expensive to rent, so I decided to go a more F2P route, having a couple of accounts and renting cards that are cheap but effective so I can fight in the bronze leaderboard and sometimes silver if I'm feeling grindy.

As a lot of you know some cards are super strong in the lower ranks (llama, undying, mylor, flesh golem, yodin, etc). They all have their counters and ways to beat them of course, but as a player who wants to stick to minimal spending to push my skill (I usually spend around 1500 DEC at the start of the season to cover me for the 2 weeks period), it can be a bit tricky, so without furthur ado, fight #1 in hopefully what will be a daily series!

fight 1.png

Seeing the match history of my opponent I noticed that he likes to keep undying at the end and just add fillers to weaken the opposing units so my game plan was to focus fire and try to burn undying while slowly weakening his other units, hence why Nightmare was better than Bone Golem, the ability to slowly chip at units while the other units are focusing undying and also why there was no Battering Ram or Haunted Spider, the entire plan relied on the ability to just kill undying before he gets the last stand, and that's what happened.

fight 11.png

2 rounds in, this is how the fight looked and by the end this is what it looked like

fight 111.png

Positioning was key in this fight, my elven cutthroat was a sacrificial lamb to his sneaks to keep the higher speed badger alive and jester was in that position to protect him as well as soak any snipe hits.

At the end of the day this is what I love about this game, the ability to outsmart your opponent even if he was way more powerful cards.

I apologize for the lengthy post, since it's my first post I had to give you an idea of my rank and history.

this is the battle link for anyone who wants to watch it for themselves:

Hope you enjoyed this fight review and see you again tomorrow with a new fight! Until then, happy grinding!


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