I am so excited to share with you about this weekly battle challenge! Cruel Sethropod is my go-to monster when it's within the little league ruleset. It's so hard to get through it as the main tank, not to mention it's only 3 mana. I personally play in gold league and it has 6 armor and 6 health at level 8.
Let's look at its stats together. I have leveled him up to level 8 AND gold foil for personal use. I highly recommend you to level it up if you use water splinter, especially with Kelya. Kelya makes up for its lack of speed and also added an extra armor to it.
Here's a snapshot of his stats:
Anyway! Here is the battle link for my battle using Supply Runner and the Kelya summoner:
Let me share my reason for the team now.
The game has the following rulesets:
Little league, Heavy hitters
Water, Earth, Light, Death, and Dragon splinters can be chosen.
Mana limit: 20
Whenever there is this little league ruleset, the first splinters I I think of are either water Kelya or death Brood. I think these two have great monsters at lowe rmana. When it's water, I almost 100% go to cruel sethropod because of its versatility. Low mana (3) with 12 "hitpoints". Together, with the abilities with Merdaali Guardian, the cruel sethropod seems to be have infinite armor/health to get through. You'll see in the video.
**I decided to go with the following team -
Summoner: Kelya
Cruel Sethropod: Great tank, low mana. What else can we ask for? I always place him in the first position because he's so difficult to get through. I use it all the time. It's so hard to get through as the first tank which provides safety to my monsters behind.
Pelacor Bandit: Super high speed, again 3 mana, 3 melee damage. In this team composition, he has a speed of 7, after the addition of the speed from Kelya, it can dodge most of the melee and ranged attacks, plus the flying ability. And sneak! There are so many times that it killed off the enemy damage output quickly. I love to combine it with my next choice, Uraeus.
Uraeus: Again 3 mana! With natural armor. This monster is a killer and he does so much more than just 2 damage because of the poison. He also targets last monster on the opponent team so it's perfect to surprise our opponents with Pelacor Bandit. There are not many team compositions that can withstand the combo from Pelacor Bandit and Uraeus. This is my go-to monster whenever I can fit him in in my Kelya team.
Merdaali Guardian: She is a GEM. She heals both armor and health, which makes the first monster so much tougher. I try to place her in the middle of the team so that she's the most protected and can help other monsters survive longer. You'll see how much she does in the battle. I highly recommend you to level her up so that it has both abilities.
Angelic Mandarin: Sometimes Merdaali Guardian gets targeted by snipe or opportunity, so angelic mandarin with triage is going to offer the extra protection that support the backline of the team. Combined with Merdaali Guardian, this team is basically invincible. I love this combination.
Creeping Ooze: One mana, slow all the opponent monsters down. I place it at the bank to protect my other more important monsters. The slowing helps my faster monsters attack first and also dodge more.
My team combination worked well I'd say and this is a team combination I am reluctant to share because it's so good! What do you think?
Hope you liked the battle. Let me know your thoughts on my team selection in the comments below.