The Hard Spork Has An Erc-20 Token!

in #spork5 years ago (edited)

The people of the Hard Spork have voted for multiple token rewards. The first alternative chain we will branch out into is the Ethereum network. So get your Metamask and MEW wallets ready!

p0.jpg#HelloWorld. Today we created a erc-20 HSPK token! This will be a manual curation token for people to start blogging about steem centric topics! If you are new to Ethereum... No worries! Just simply head to - - > This is very similar to a steem keychain. Very simple to a steem user! Once you have a wallet you will need this code. 0xddc3e790156808b76426dcd6aa7e8c7587587a11. Your wallet will have "ETH" as a default token. you simply need to click "add token" and copy paste the code into "token contract address" {and the rest will auto fill.} Then click Next.

How To Receive erc-20 HSPK Tokens.

In order to receive erc-20 HSPK {Hard Spork} tokens simply blog using the Tribe guidelines {}. Then use the tags "spork" AND "erc-20.

Include your public {ETH} key in your post
You will receive 8 HSPK tokens per 1 quality blog that uses both tags {erc-20, spork} AND Includes their public ETH wallet.



0.93222000 TRDO0.62148000 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @c-a, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @hard-spork! @hard-spork will receive & @c-a will get

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0.93222 TRDO from below listed TRENDO callers:
Congratulations @hard-spork, your post successfully recieved

0.62148 TRDO curation@c-a earned :

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