Goodell to risk looking like the ass he is.

in #sport2 years ago


Tonight's awful events in the NFL game reminded me of the first episode of Friday Night Lights - except that this is real life and they chose NOT to continue the game. We will likely know more tomorrow. But I suspect the injured player had some sort of preexisting heart condition or similar issue; unlikely this much damage was done by the hit alone. Of course, I'm no doctor, so could easily be wrong.

I hate NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. But he now faces a genuinely difficult decision. If he reschedules the game for sometime in the next day or two, he will be pilloried for making the players play while Damar Hamlin's fate remains in the balance. But if he reschedules it for a much later time, it could screw up the season badly, as both teams are scheduled to play again this weekend, and NFL players need recovery time between games.

If he simply cancels the game, and doesn't make it up, that creates lots of problems as well (e.g. - affecting playoff seeding for both teams, plus perhaps other teams, as well).

No matter what he does, Goodell risks looking like an ass. Which is exactly what he is! But in this case, it's a genuinely hard choice. Of course, whatever pain he feels is nowhere near as great as that of the injured player and his family and friends.