Absolutely wonderful post and good luck to you. Loved the story about the skate park and you are brave for 'dropping in'. I tried it once after getting all nostalgic... I can still feel the thud of my head on the ramp. No real harm done as I've got a head like a rock :)
Up-voted and resteemed.
Thank you so much! I definitely think you should try again, just maybe with a helmet. That's one thing that's changed since I was a kid. I used to have no concerns about getting hurt but be worried about looking silly. So, of course, I'd never wear padding. Now I don't care at all about how I look, I just really don't want to get injured, so I wear all the padding!
Lol you just about styled it out :)
I started going to the local skating ring with my daughter and got carried away on the first night. It came back to me instantly(or so I thought). Must have looked like a right wally but like you said, who cares! Sounds really interesting about your trip to Palestine, I will keep an eye out for your updates. Stay safe and hope you have a great experience! I take it you have checked out the company...?
Yeah I have, a few of the skaters I've met have been out there previous years and they've said it's an amazing experience. Plus I've been to their fundraisers and heard other volunteers talk so I think it'll be great. I've got to make it out there first though!
Well you have my support. Good luck! :)