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RE: When The Majority Sees It Differently!

in #sport6 years ago

Hello brother, I know what you are talking about ... each person has a different perception according to their preferences, there are people who like a game where there is a lot of action and the difference between scores is from extremes to extremes ... there are those who enjoy a game even if there is a draw, on the contrary for others, that game would be very boring ... we are different people and everyone has their own tastes, and from there the opinion that you have about a situation is born ... So you as a protagonist ... who was in the game, you know better than a spectator, how well you did ... I wish you success on Wednesday in the game. 😊

... My last week has been very hectic ... with the earthquake that was here in my country (Venezuela) on Wednesday, (thank God there were no deaths or serious damage), in the sector where I live, a transformer exploded electricity, and we were without electricity until today, therefore we did not have internet. It is for this reason that I was not published these days, thanks to God and I activated again, so I will start publishing again today. 😉

Happy weekend!