It's a huge, but good enough to win Mr.Olympia's dare to doubt because in my opinion even the smaller Vic, but for the form on NY PRO was better than Big Rami, and after the fact that it is huge and full There are gaps as the separation that Phil and Kai go through, and it is not American, and if it did not matter then it was Nasser once to win and would rub the other trail, but it was not and I will not be but TOP 3 can fight and make a big surprise. Somebody from Phil, Kai, Jay, Branch, Shawn, Dennis, Dexter, Vic even in very good form may not be in the final at the expense of Rami.
HE can be
but in 2020 he can be easy he is so llarge
how do you think ramy be be first in 2018?
nice abs too
large chest
wow amazing legs:((999