I love this take. People can get too caught up about the end result in this stuff. They may assume, "You like guys with big muscles because you are stuck on how it looks." This isn't the main reason.
You like that it represents a great work ethic and a focus on fitness. You appreciate how much dedication it takes. It only makes sense that you would be attracted to something you're interested in also.
I think it's cool that you would only date a guy with arms bigger than you. I've never heard it explained like this, but I like it.
Cheers. Thanks for the interesting thought.
happy to see that you understand my intention. I am not a superficial person, not at all, but as @wandrnrose7 says it right: I am looking for a light-minded person. No wait, I am actually not looking for anything at all ;) those who don't search, will find. thanks for stopping by and reading