My son is 11 year's old and he is playing in youth below 15, and am the coach of his team. That is not normal because he should had to play in youth below 13. But because of his posture and skills he qualified to play against older boys.
Am the coach of the team and i got the challenge to coach this team, while all players are from different age. FGor example only 8 players are 13 and 14, while all others are 12 and my son is 11. That makes this a complete new team, and i start recorded the matches to show the players, what mistakes they made or what they did good, and they can show the videos to the parents or family.
Almost every kid has a family member who is happy that the kid is doing some sport, but because of circumstances they could never see them play on the field, and there for i created short videos.
Here is one of the second competition game we played in the Netherlands... in the video he is the one with the long hair playing in the midfield!