This Reason Coach Include Nitya and Ketut in Uber Cup

in #sport7 years ago

Jakarta - National female PBSI Pelatnas coach, Eng Hian, chose Nitya Krishinda Maheswari and Ni Ketut Mahadewi Istirani as the third doubles Uber Cup 2018. They are considered most flexible.

PBSI made a surprise in deciding the women's doubles squad into the Uber Cup from May 20-27 in Bangkok. Greysia Polii / Apriyani Rahayu, Della Destiara / Rizki Amelia accompanied by impromptu pair, Nitya / Ketut.

This last couple is an old player but a new blend. Because, both Nitya and Ketut had previously had their spouses each, but separated with the reasons to find a more precise.

"The choice of Nitya is actually because of her experience," said Eng Hian to reporters Wednesday (9/5/2018).

"What I see is not Nitya / Ketut, but Nitya is an experience player, if one case, the first double, the second is overhauled, Nitya can prepare for it," he said.

"Then why Ketut? He's more flexible, he can go all four, both first and second double (play with Greysia, Apriyani, Della Destiara, Rizki Amelia) .But do not talk about the odds, but see Ketut more to the needs of the team , "he explains.

With the composition of this player also, Eng Hian optimistic double princess as much as can take two points, specifically against Malaysia. In the Uber Cup, the Indonesian women's team will face China, Malaysia and France.

"Against China, doubles must be crowded, while Malaysia, one of his first doubles players Woon Khe Wei is injured, yes we are not arrogant but I am more confident that at least we can take two points," he hoped.