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RE: Beautiful Day Fishing ~ Homesteading ~ Working On Websites

in #sport7 years ago

Doc was always one up on Reid, Doc is a top holmsteader whereas Reids a lazy bastard, wants everthing but for nothing.
Doc shines as usual while Trog lingers behind swimming in his pool of cess.


Doc has never gone for the pity me viewers. He is proud of a job well done where as trog F%$*s everything up and says how proud he is of the mess he made producing pity and donations from his idiot subs

i would like to up vote all these comments but im out of decent steem right now to do so. when i get more i will up vote when i see you all...@troyreidlies @thedarkdestroyer @joythedog

DOC your doing great here on steem, much better than Troy

thanks :)

counting minutes down till this comment gets flagged wrongfully and abusively lol...

@fixedbydoc it's funny in todays y t video he is amazed that the snow is falling on the solar panels he mounted under the tree

simple minds simply amused ;)