My beginner yogi equipment

in #sport7 years ago (edited)

I've started learning about yoga bit by bit by myself around a year ago. Because I have a spinal problem I felt like stretching and strengtening my back musculs is probably the best thing to do along with visiting a chiropracticer. My friend was pushing me to take more care of my health and this time I finally realized it and decided to take an action. 

I started from watching different UTube videos about yoga like "yoga for beginners" or "yoga for absolute beginners" and learnt some basics, then started following 30-days yoga challenge and got into it. I'm regreting not being able to attend proper yoga classes where a teacher can correct me and the process of learning would definitely go faster, but at the moment it doesn't seem possble, so, I'm challenged to learn it by myself and for myself. 

Doing daily practice felt pretty good, hovewer sometimes I felt like I don't exactly know if I do the poses correctly or not and then again searching on the internent, watching videos and trying to sum up my knowledge in front of a mirror. Finding myself stronger was definitely a good sign and so I continue working out. With the time I felt more strenth and tried to correct myself and work on postures so I won't hurt myself and because my doctor was pretty surprised that I don't have back pains and encouraged me to keep doing it, so I continued learning. 

Another helpful thing for a beginner is to look up to someone you like. I used Instagram to find a few pages og yoga girls that i liked because of their amazing spirit and their every move was so beautiful and inspired. I kept them as a motivation and because they make yoga flows videos as virtual teachers. Sometimes they make very nice easy to repeat videos when I learned how to connect poses and exsercises together so they don't look separate and become a flow. With the time, you start feeling your body and know if it works well for you. 

From my point of view yoga needs a deeper understanding of what you doing and i take from time to time a minute to read more about anatomy of the body and see how it works. When there's this kind of deeper knowlendge included the understanding of practice of yoga grows. 

On the websites like amazon and others, there are plenty of different additional equipment for yogies that will be very good for practices at home or a fitness studio. My top equipment pieces that I got through this year are yoga mate, yoga bricks, resistance bands and a foam roller. I was using bricks for excersices and poses because in the very beginning i couln't reach the floor with my palms. Resistance bands are definitely my favourites because they help to keep you fit and develope craft, and a foam roller is a massage substitute, if you get soar muscles after work out and as well I use them against cellulite because many women suffer it. All together with yoga practice and working out, as all of those pieces allow you a wide rage of excersices right at home, it makes a very good point.

My equipment that I listed above: Have a nice day!