Getting your "Bell Rung": The growing issue of concussions in sports

Sports has been a passion of mine since I was a kid. I've played a wide variety of sports as a child and played several competitive sports in high school. My passion for sports has remained as an adult. I play recreational sports for fun and I have been coaching middle school sports for almost 15 years. Sports provide a great opportunity for exercise and staying fit as well as social interaction. There is always a risk of injuries in sports and I have experienced my fair share of nicks and bruises along the way. In the nearly 40 years that I have been involved in sports, the sports themselves haven't changed very much. However, there has been a significant shift in the way we are approaching some of the issues around injuries. Specifically, head injuries.

I can remember as a young athlete being involved in some collisions that would be considered quite violent. Taking a hit in football or hockey, getting hit in the helmet with a fastball during a baseball game and even an accidental collision with a teammate during a basketball game. I’m sure there are more but these ones stand out to me because in each of these incidents I had “my bell rung” as we used to refer to it back then. I can distinctly remember the feeling of being nauseous and dizzy not to mention how foggy my thoughts were at that moment. I remember how hard it was for me to get up and “walk it off” and get myself back to the bench. Something else I remember is how eager I was to get back in the game and continue playing. It wouldn’t take long for me to tell my coach that I was fine and I’d be back in the game. At that time, 20 -25 years ago, I had no idea that in all likelihood I had suffered a concussion.
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that affects your brain function. Effects are usually temporary but can include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance and coordination. Concussions are usually caused by a blow to the head. Violently shaking the head and upper body also can cause concussions. Some concussions cause you to lose consciousness, but most do not. It's possible to have a concussion and not realize it. Concussions are particularly common if you play a contact sport, such as football.
I look back now and I wonder, how many traumatic brain injuries have I had in my life? I couldn’t say with certainty what the exact number is because back then there was little discussion about concussions. However, I would have to say that after looking at the symptoms, I have had several concussions through my years of sports. I would also have to say that I have very likely suffered a concussion or two through work as well. The most obvious being the time I fell off a 12ft ladder and hit my head.
Signs and symptoms of a concussion may include:
- Headache or a feeling of pressure in the head
- Temporary loss of consciousness
- Confusion or feeling as if in a fog
- Amnesia surrounding the traumatic event
- Dizziness or "seeing stars"
- Ringing in the ears
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Fatigue
- Slurred speech
- Delayed response to questions
- Appearing dazed
You may have some symptoms of concussions immediately. Others may be delayed for hours or days after injury.

Dr. Elliot Pellman, Chair of the MTBI Committee stated:
When asked about the issue of concussions in 1994, Pellman tells Newsday:
“‘We discuss it on the list of things every time we have a league meeting … We think the issue of knees, of drugs and steroids and drinking is a far greater problem, according to the number of incidents.”
Pellman also tells Sports Illustrated that “concussions are part of the profession, an occupational risk.”
NFL commissioner at the time Paul Tagliabue was also quoted saying:
“On concussions, I think is one of these pack journalism issues, frankly… There is no increase in concussions, the number is relatively small… The problem is a journalist issue.”
This apparent disregard for the issue of concussions would continue until 2002 when Dr. Bennett Omalu would bring concussions to the forefront of mainstream media through his research on the brains of former NFL football players. He found that there was a correlation between repeated head injuries and long-term health. His research showed that repeated head injuries and concussions led to the development of a brain disease called CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy). The NFL tried to continue its denial of the issue but as more and more players came forward with their stories about their brain traumas and difficulties they were having in life the NFL had to finally recognize that there was a problem. Dr. Omalu’s research made people start to take notice of the concussion issue. His work and the efforts to push the NFL to institute stronger concussion measures are highlighted extremely well in the 2016 movie “Concussion” starring Will Smith. I would highly encourage taking the time to watch this film.

Many former players joined forces to file a lawsuit against the NFL for its unwillingness to recognize the dangers of the sport and its impact on players future lives. The players and families of deceased players received a settlement of over $1 billion.
First filed in 2011, the suit was originally settled in 2013 for $765 million. But the federal judge overseeing the case was concerned that amount wouldn’t be enough to provide for the more than 20,000 ex-NFL players covered under the suit. After multiple rounds of negotiation, she finally approved a revised settlement in 2015 that removed the $765 million cap on damages, and the new deal is expected to cost the NFL somewhere over $1 billion.
The massive issues in the NFL started to make other sports and society take a much closer look at the concussion issue. The NHL is another major league where high speed collision are common and even fighting is allowed. Hockey is a sport where there is a high risk of a concussion just like football. Former NHL star Paul Kariya was involved in a major collision during his career that eventually led to his retirement at a very young age. He was once hit so hard in a game that he still to this day doesn’t remember the end of the game. He actually finished playing in that game.

There have been significant changes in how concussions are being dealt with. Now that the awareness of long-term effects is better understood, most sports now have a concussion protocol. In both the NFL and NHL, players who are involved in an incident where they may have suffered a head trauma are pulled from the game immediately. They must then complete a series of test in order to be permitted to return to the game. Unfortunately, this doesn’t reduce the potential for head injuries happening. In fact, the number of head injuries is actually on the rise in recent years.
NFL players were diagnosed with more concussions in 2017 than in any season since the league began sharing the data in 2012.
Players are bigger, stronger and faster than ever before and therefore the collisions are becoming more violent and dangerous. Leagues need to find a way to make the games safer.

Last year, our school board instituted a concussion protocol for all school sports. This includes training for teachers and coaches about how to recognize symptoms and having trained professionals at all sporting events who can diagnose. Every sport that kids will participate has to be designated with a risk assessment and all players must now sign waivers in order to participate. Concussions have become both a safety concern as well as a liability issue.

The concussion discussion is not going away anytime soon. I can only see the issue becoming more prominent as more and more players come forth with stories and media continues to highlight the issues. It is great to see the changes that have already been made. As a coach and parent, I feel more comfortable knowing that there are steps being put in place to both avoid concussions and to diagnose them early. Think back to when you were younger and involved in sports. How many times did you have your “bell rung”? Have you ever had a head injury and just thought it was a stinger or not a big deal. Educate yourself about the symptoms and treatment, especially if you have kids involved in sports. I wish someone would have told me back them to just stay on the bench.
Authored by: @broncofan99
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While Im glad that concussions and the ramifications of how they affect long term health is being discussed more and more in modern day society, I'm not entirely sure how far the discussion can go without changing the nature of sports entirely.
A seatbelt is a pre-caution for a car accident and as we all know, they're pretty pointless after certain speeds. Pre-cautions for sports have gone as far as they can since there is a fine line where safety affects performance and vice versa and we're already be at the best spot for that spectrum.
Treating concussions properly after the fact is great and long overdue but its not a solution to the growing problem. I think the key here is the fact that while players don't expect to get hurt, they know its a possibility and by simply being on the field, it should be noted that they accept the consequences of the chaos that inevitably results from full contact sports. After all, safety is not prioritized by the player but by the organization of the sport because the players are only and should only focus on performance, strategy, and pushing their and their teams limits. If the organization has done all it can to make the sport safer WITHOUT players complaining about how those changes affect performance, then the last step is changing aspects of the sport...which is a conservation that no one is willing to have.
Excellent points. That is one of the primary debates right now. Leagues are looking at how much they can change the rules of the sport to make the spot safer. There is a great deal of resistance from some because these changes would change the game immensely. One of the biggest debates is fighting in hockey. Hockey is the only sort that allows full fist to face fighting. These blows to the head can be extremely dangerous. Many want to eliminate fighting but hockey purists want to preserve the history of the game.
Holy Cow! This is one of the best articles I've read on Steemit!
Like you, I suffered several concussions growing up. Of course I have no idea how many...
I last coached Jr. High Football in 1999. The league had a full blown concussion protocol by then, probably because the league director had been a college coach and had seen plenty. All coaches had to take a class every year to be current at teaching the 'eyes up' method of hitting. I can't believe that I still see players lower their heads and go.
I actually think the concussion issue might end the NFL. I hope the NHL gets their act together in time to end concussions there.
Thanks Bronco! A terrific, well written post.
The NHL still seems to be in denial of the issue. At least they don’t want to admit any type of accountability like the NFL has done. I think the massive lawsuit against the NFL has the NHL worried about admitting any fault. The NFL has now removed all accountability by recognizing the issue. Players now know that there is a risk by playing and are now accountable. The league now takes measures to make sure players are as safe as possible although this is not reducing injuries.
Changes need to come with players as well. They need to admit when they are hurt and not try to keep playing. They need to put their health first.
Personally, if I were able to relive the decision to play football or not, I would have not chosen it. At this point, it is obvious to me that the risks are not worth the reward. There are many other sports that, while concussions can certainly happen, they do not happen certainly, as they do with football. I do not have children, but I would say to anyone who does, to not allow your child (I did not say son here, because on the team I was on we did have a couple of girls on our team, one who was actually quite a good player) to play football. I was looking for the quote by major league ballplayer Johnny Damon about his football career (where he was concussed in high school by a young Warren Sapp) that if he had kids who were talented enough in sports that a sport that isn't as violent and collision oriented would be a better choice.
This is starting to happen all over. Many parents are starting to avoid high impact and dangerous sports like football and hockey. There is certainly a shifting mentality towards keeping our kids safe. I don't know if I would change anything about the sports that I played but I would certainly make sure that I was safer and pulled myself out when hurt. Impact to the head while already concussed can have extreme consequences.
i've never thought ball games are as dangerous as boxing, no matter how safe you played, there will always a time you gonna end up injured and go home disappointed.
that's a fact of life some people have softer heads than others, leaves them scars for life.
Very nice
Looking sporting one
Oh Great :D I practice American football for 5 years now and I had one small concussion, nothing special :D Today we have much better helmets than before, but still this sport is rough and any small wrong move and you could injure yourself or your opponent...
Learning about techniques is so important and knowing that there's a chance for this to happen to anyone will bring us much closer to safety...
Awareness and education are paramount to safety. The risk is high in so many sports especially with how big and fast players are today. Collisions happen as such high velocities now that the force on the head is stronger. I personally think this is why the number of concussions being diagnosed is increasing each year. That and the fact that more athletes are being honest about their symptoms and not trying to deceive doctors so they can play.
Yap, It's easy that NFL paid players before to keep their mouth shut, that could be an option... Now players are much more realizing that without them there would be no NFL, so they raise their voice for some concerns...
I hope they will start to regulate players and their steroids and other PEDs usage, because I think this is also one of the factors why more and more injuries we have... It's just not healthy...
A concussion is a type of brain injury that interferes with the way of brain functions. Concussions are a common issue among school aged children and teenagers, especially if they are active in sports. Although, helmets do protect your child from the fracture of the skull or an injury that causes bleeding to the brain, they do not necessarily prevent occasions. It is possible to sustain a concussion while wearing a helmet because the helmet protects the bones of the head, but cannot stop the brain from making contact with the inside of the skull.This is very informative post @adsactly.
This is very true. Although there are big efforts being made to improve equipment and make it safer, it is the way the brain rattled inside the skull the can cause major damage. He lets only help to reduce the impact but the damage still occurs.
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: : fREeSTEEMer : :
a free resteemer of great postsvery informative post
you know what i consider sports as a exercise but
i really can,t exercise like a sport games because of our religion,
for muslims nimaz is our exercise and prevention from this world is our hobbies
nimaz is complete exercise becuase when you pray your full body moves
like ALLAH AKBAR requires hands up so i am happy with my this exercise
but thank you very much for sharing such a informative stuff please don,t mind anything i am really week in english
Hello brother @adsactly, I really did not know that this was so, I practiced many sports when I had several "minor" injuries for example, cycling, weights, baskeball, volleyball, swimming, boxing, among others, in the latter, was where I received, many blows on the head, and sometimes I lost my sight momentarily, and many times fell to the ground by a heavy blow, now I ask, friend @adsactly this could cause problems in the future?
The research by Dr. Omalu shows that repeated blows to the head and multiple concussions over time can lead to difficulties in the future. The movie concussion does a great job of outlining the issues experienced by people who have had this repeated and prolonged impacts effecting the brain. I highly recommended watching it.
Life is short thats why u need to used it in a good way. Thats why im p,aying sports everyday so I can enjoy life
I like the sports. We should play the game .During the game there are injuries. ButBut we should not completely eliminate the game due to injuries.
Sports play such an important role in the health and development of children as well as the physical health and mental well being of adults. Sports should not end, we just need to be educated about how to recognize and treat head injuries and ensure athletes don’t continue playing when hurt. This will help avoid bigger issues in the future.
Healthy sports always support positive mind. @adsactly has defined awsome benifits of sports. But I am not a sporty person but with this, I think I know a little about it now and also finding it interesting.
Dr Omalu did a great job here. It is funny to hear Will Smith try to pull off my country's accent in the movie. Good job here.
I am a huge Will Smith fan. To think he went from a young rapper to an actor who can play any role. Dr. Omalu persevered in the face of so much resistance and backlash. His work has changed how head injuries are looked at.
That's passion at play, without it, I doubt he could've persevered in the face of the harsh criticism.
Wow. This was very interesting to read, I however I'm not a sporty person..
But they do say Knowledge is Power so thank you for empowering me
Greetings from Nairobi,Kenya
Agreed, in order to fully protect ourselves and athletes we must first educate ourselves. Knowledge is power!
Truly :)
Many hugs
Also I would add that soccer players suffer a lot because they hit the ball with the head a lot.
They should wear some protective things , or it should be somehow be optional to wear some protection for the head because of the headers
Although the impact of the soccer ball is considered to be minimal you are right. It does not take a “big” impact to cause an injury to the brain. If the brain is shaken or jostled and bumps the skull then there is the potential for concussions.
If you think the NFL is bad, just imagine what injuries rugby players get. But yeah, I can relate. When I played football many years ago, someone plowed their helmet into my neck when tackling me. I didn't get a concussion, but I had to make sure I didn't have to get a neck brace afterwards.
So true, rugby can be a very violent sport and the risk of head injuries can be very high. Although they do wear some protection, they don’t have the same as a full helmet.
Good post.. l voted✌️& followed. stay with me
Healthy sports always support positive mind. @adsactly has defined awsome benifits of sports. Sports maintains our routine life discipline as well as restrict to become angry in our several issues. Nature of a sportsman is literally different from others
to get a healthy body and fresh mind we need to starts playing /sports . it make change both of health and mind
Sports are an important part of good health. Always be safe and aware of risks.
Sport is a multi-functional facet now, before or in the centuries ago, people see sport as means of exercising and fun only but now it's much more than that.
People choose sport as a career and that's why billions of dollars are investing into sports. Football, basketball, hockey, tennis, rugby, baseball and so on are various sports we have.
Some of the benefits of sport include :
(1)It's hepls to stay fit and healthy
(2)source of income -both players and owners
(3)fun -for the audience
Thanks for sharing.......I'm glad you really like sports @adsactly and you venture into it.
Sports is very important to good health, both physical and mental. We need to always be aware of the risks and take preventative measures to avoid injuries.
Seriously, this is amazing. I am not a sporty person but with this, I think I know a little about it now and also finding it interesting. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
I totally agree with what you have written. A concussion is not a trivial thing to be left alone. Even in my family there were pliers died from a collision in the head during an accident.
In diagnosing, doctors also have to be experienced because this is a serious thing in the treatment of concussion.
We have come a long way in recognition of how serious this issue is. I look back and can’t believe that I stayed in games and kept playing. It is so important to make sure we are aware of the long term impacts of concussions and treat properly.
True, what you say .. Sometimes we effect not felt this time, but will feel later in the old days.
Very educative sir,thank you for this.
Exactly. Footballers needs to see this and perhaps the governing bodies for footballers too. Nice post. This is your friend @tyrex from Nigeria.
I remember how it feels, after a sparring session your head starts to hurt and you start to get sick, an awful feeling. Thank you for raising the awareness
Oh, I didn’t even get to touch on boxing or MMA in this post. There has been so much research into the impacts of boxing on fighters. Just look at Mohammad Ali. Boxing had such a huge impact on his life after he retired.
in professional sports you pay with your health. The protection of the children is important here. Btw do football players do neck strengthening drills?
I am sure that there must be some neck strengthening done by most athletes. Although, a strong neck won't protect you from a concussion. It's all about the brain being jostled.
The thing is that specialized neck training helps dispersing the shock of tge impact better. That is a very common practice in martial arts that help to withstand impact better
Another game which is directly related to concussion is Cricket. This game is very much popular in Indian subcontinent. Hitting the Cricket ball into head is pretty regular in this game. Nice informative and helpful post. Thanks for sharing.
Head injuries are not limited to those sports where there are collisions. Any time the head can receive a blow of any sort there is a possibility of a concussion.
Yes, completely agree.
I also just realized I did not have you down as witness , So you are now added to my witness list at adsactly-witness ! Keep up the great work ! upped and resteemed !😀👍✌💕
This is a very serious issue that im glad you brought attention to @adsactly , Great Job , I loved your post ! I have now added you to my Auto Voter , im all ready following you for ages now ,
Nice post veeerrry veeerrry nice plzzz follow me
Truly a beautiful post! Thank you for doing what you do! I look forward to the next one! Thanks for the share!
Excelent bro
wow, I never thought any one would bring this on steemit.... thanks to @adsactly for the exposure ... am not really new to concussions ,was really scared for my self and a lot of people involved in the NFL and NHL... that was after watching the movie presenting will smith as the doctor Mr Omalu who like he said in the movie came from Nigeria... although the body did every thing in their power to bring his research result to nothing, ensuring it doesn't spoil their investments in the sport forgetting that it was the life people that where on the line.. am so grateful to God that these whole concussion thing have been given the right attention needed..
Dr. Omalu’s perseverence was paramount to getting the NFL to change their stance on concussions and to recognize there was an issue. The best way to stay safe is to be aware and use caution.
hmmmm in a contact sport like the NFL and NHL experiencing concussion would be inevitable ..
How are my good witnesses? Thank you for sharing useful information with us.
This is a fantastic review of concussion knowledge and understanding! Very well put together. I hope as time progresses we find ways to alleviate the risk of concussions. My fear is that this will come at the expense of playing the sports we grew up enjoying. I can't imagine a world where I didn't grow up playing football and kickboxing. Hopefully, in the future they will still be around, but without the risk of head injuries.
I can't see a time when there will not be sports but I can see a time when more and more athletes chose sports that are considered safer.
I've definitely gotten my bell rung one too many times from playing hockey. I've had 4 reported ones and the doctors told me to stop completely after the 4th. The scans didn't look too good.
It was definitely tough to deal with because I had to deal with the symptoms and not play all at once.
Where I'm from (Malaysia) hockey is irrelevant. It's a small community and we have a national team and club teams that have hockey players playing the game for over 2 decades now. It's a growing sport here and the levels have definitely improved.
Concussions are not really something they pay attention to so much back in the day. But coaches and the federation are starting to realize the issue too. We've also started implementing the series of tests before returning to play but the whole process is not as advanced as other hockey nations just yet.
I've watched Concussion and it was definitely an eye-opener. I would also recommend watching Ice Guardians. A complete opposite perspective from professional hockey players about why the NHL have yet to budge.
Its much more than just the NHL. It's routed so deep in the nature of the game that players hired to be team enforcers feel that if fights were to be illegal, the enforcers would be out of a job.
Then again it all comes back to awareness, fitness and policies to help curb this problem. @adsactly this was a great read. Thank you for putting this out.
The history of the game and preserving tradition is a major hurdle in creating changes to make things safer in many sports including the NHL. There is also this perception about being "tough" and until that changes we are going to continue seeing the same issues.
Great article. I consider important the need to improve the measures of prevention, safety and attention with respect to these events in order to maintain the health of the athlete
This is so true and with head injuries, we are talking about the long-term health of athletes. We must do all we can to avoid brain difficulties after sports.
Well-written article about one of the creeping issues in sports. It's gotten to a point where I sometimes feel legitimately guilty for liking a sport that really whittles away at a person's lifespan and quality of life (football).
I think there's a limit to what technology and rules changes can do--the game itself incorporates violence, and trying to remove it entirely makes it a different game altogether. Not sure if there really is a clean solution all around.
That is exactly why the issue is not going to go away. People don't want to change the rules so drastically that it changes the sport and at the same time players are getting bigger and stronger. Early diagnosis and proper treatment are a positive step but removing the dangers from the game is very difficult.
This article is bang on (no pun intended) I've played hockey my whole life and have had a few concussions. I also compete actively in Taekwondo and concussions are not to be taken lightly!
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