If it is not clear, it will hurt

in #sports3 years ago (edited)


On me
Someone who is not taken seriously
I also said
Not seriously
Take a look.

To those who do not care
I also said
To be careless
Give it a try.

Take yourself lightly
The respondent
I was light-hearted
Get back together

For myself
To those who do not have time
I also said
Time for him
Do not run out.

Rather than being in pain
Be clear.
Make a note of it.

If not clear…
Sometimes it hurts.

If sharp…
It only hurts once.

Do not be deceived too often.

Not too bad
Let me know
Do not get involved.

Turn around.

Sometimes it hurts
Only once
Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally
It's better