The NFL demonstrations will continue! Book it.

in #sports6 years ago (edited)

In 2017 the NFL saw players kneeling during the National Anthem which caused a mockery around the entire league and they guy who started is all is still in the un-employment line. Some sort of protest was happening on every sideline, every single week. Some owners like the Dallas Cowboys Jerry Jones took a hardline stance with the players and threatened termination if they did not stand.
This week, the NFL banned kneeling on the sidelines in an effort to kill not only the eyesore that the players give the league but the country by doing this. President Trump said he was happy with the decision and went as far as to say that the players who would kneel should be moved not only out of the league, but out of the entire country!
Many players, including the Denver Broncos own Brandon Marshall took offense to Trumps statements and apparently have already started discussing different ways to demonstrate what they feel is “social injustice and inequality “ in America. The new rules will require the players to stand at attention or remain in the locker room until after the anthem is over in the stadium.
“I talked to a former NFL player yesterday who has said that players are already talking about other ways in which they can protest," NBC's Craig Melvin said on "Today" on Thursday.

Melvin did not specify which players he spoke to, or what other forms of protesting they were considering.

Players are creative and this new rule they feel is attacking them. I am sure the mockery that will happen on NFL sidelines will continue this year and it’s bound to get worse. I personally believe an employer can set forth any rules they want while you are getting paid to perform a job for them on their property. I do however respect and default to the Constitution of the United States of America and believe we should abide by what it says. When you are at work, the employer makes the rules on how you will dress and how you will act while representing the business, brand and logo. It sure seems to me that these players are fighting a loosing battle and in the end they may push things to far where fans and endorsements leave them for what they believe to be ideals that are not in line with the rest of the country.
Bringing politics into the NFL is a bad idea for all parties involved in my opinion but it’s just gonna happen when you have a huge cash machine like the NFL. Fans were upset last year and some even said they turned the TV off and refused to watch anyone who would dis respect our flag, nation and military. I won’t turn the game off because after the kickoff it really has no effect on the excitement of the game. I wish these players could find a different, more constructive way to not only protest but help to change what they are protesting. The fact of the matter is, no solution will ever please everyone and no matter what side of the fence you are on.....there WILL BE protesting and demonstrations in the NFL in 2018. Book it!


This story is played out. The media need to give it a rest.

Hello sir broncnutz, good to see you.Thanks for your update about NFL.I also like NFL,like you.But this is unfair.They shouldn't behave like this.

This just reminds me how opposed I am that these babies are so overpaid. They compare themselves for sale by going to the NFL combine and then they make more in a signing bonus than many families will make in multiple years.

They can protest and so can I. Haven't been to an NFL game since this began. College athletes still stand and that is where you will find me standing!

The NFL is only looking out for their bottom line. It’ll be interesting to see what goes down this season.

How can they behave like with their players?
Protest Is Everyone's basic right?
how can they ban it?
It's proper injustice.
all thes big authoritieies should understand it.

thank's for sharing such a nice post about sports fact.
politics should not included in sports...

Amigo la NFL esta candela muy interesante saludos desde Venezuela :)

"People don’t realize what’s really going on in this country. There are a lot things that are going on that are unjust. People aren’t being held accountable for. And that’s something that needs to change. That’s something that this country stands for freedom, liberty and justice for all. And it’s not happening for all right now." This is the original reason that some players decided to kneel during the anthem. I think its kind of messed up that this message got so misconstrued. I never watched the anthem anyway and I don't think it really takes away from the game. I support the players big time.

Glad to see someone hasn't forgotten the ACTUAL reason for the protest. Kudos to you for being informed!

nicely Explanned it..
you are right dear...
I like it..👍👍👍

What else can these big garbage's can do?
as you said players are creative and they will found another way of protest.
They can't stopped them to fight for their rights.
I'm totally on players side.

The flag and the national anthem of a country must be respected for me because it is the symbol of authority, I employ all the prayers to obey the rules of the NFL for the good of the game. I see that it’s the best sport in America if am no wrong! Great post @broncnuts

I live in another country, but watching the news I know that most people in America are not happy with Trump. Thank you for the interesting message, I will wait for the continuation.

very intersting sports

Like you say Bringing politics into the NFL is a bad idea for all parties i think we need to respect the players , and also them they need to respect the rule.

I think the players need to avoid all that and concentrate about the performance it's the best to show their love to our country.

It's illogical. How can they do such a thing. They have every right to protest but on the other hand I think kneeling down before the national anthem is important, they must show their respect for the nation as a whole and for the sake of the game.

I think the players should respect the rules and take the responsibility.

Threatening to deport people born in America what a very stable genius that Trump is

I don't know the exact background of the demonstrations and am sure no Trump fan...but with those aside I think in general you have to respect the anthem in any country in any way. There are lot's of different ways to make a point or to demonstrate. Being one of the greatest sports brings responsabilities, and for me political statements isnt one of them...or ?

I don't think its the proper venue to air their concerns. I agree that the employer can tell you how to act when you are on the job and if you don't like it than quit.

Well it's just important to follow the rules of your working place, if they band kneeling, then they should stop.

Politics should not be in sports or it's just gonna finish up everything

Protesting is nothing since rule is Been made

Hi @broncnutz always i am big fan of nfl grown up by watching these matches thanks a lot for taking me into glimse of the past.

Wow rugby or american football. It is an action filled and brilliaant game. A lot of pressure fights and demonstrations are there. Love this game.

well some thing are need to be respected from the heart they can't do such shame things

This is amazing sir nfl is my heart cant stay away from it thanks for bringing it more closer towards me by steemit.

Great blog post sir about this game,you are going well sir.

amazing one sir this is one of the best blog post thanks a lot for sharing,have a great day.

good update post. your sports post is very nice. thanks for @broncnutz

First let me point out that the NFL brought politics into the league themselves when they forced the military/government to pay them in order to use the national anthem as a recruiting tool.

The report found the Department of Defense had spent $6.8 million on what they called "paid patriotism" between 2012 and 2015. This money was spread out among 50 pro teams from the NFL, NBA, MLB, NASCAR, MLS and others. - AJ Willingham

Secondly, players are not disrespecting the flag, nation, or the military. That is an alternative narrative pushed by people who refuse to acknowledge the very reasons the players are protesting in the first place. It is a shame that everyone must be constantly reminded that they are in fact protesting because they felt people in their communities were dealing with unnecessary police brutality and racial injustices.

I myself served in the military for 8 years protecting the rights the players are demonstrating and I support their protest 100% as it is their constitutional right.

Great point. Right now, I am working on a post on the subject (in the context of the historical struggle African Americans, and other minorities, for that matter, have fought and eventually won). Most commentators focus on the legal aspect of the matter, and forget the moral implications of obeying unjust or decontextualized rules/laws. History, in the sort term, will prove legalists wrong. There is a simple thing called cause and effect. Respect is not intrinsic, it has to be earned. Blind obedience to law, especially when law is unjust is worse than anarchy. Before anyone thinks that patriotism is a good thing, think about what authoritarian regime have done around the world in the name of patriotism.

Here's my take on the issue:

Another great post. GO BRONCOS!!

In South Carolina we stand for the flag. Heck, we stand and fight for flags the rest of the country disapprove of because we fight for our history as well (even though some deem that controversial).