I got chance to talk with middleweight competitor Corey Turner (1-1) earlier this week with my west coast friend Matt Hawkins. He and I are working on a project together but Mr. Turner fights this Friday, March 23 at LFA 36 on AXS TV at 10 p.m. EST/ 7p.m. PT
Turner faces Charles Taylor Johnson (2-0) in the opening bout of the broadcast. See what Turner had to say about his opponent, the sport, and where he looks to go in his career.
Hey nice! You sure get the inside scoop. You cohost this show?!? I really like the questions you asked.
I am a carbazelic!
Thanks man. We're trying to turn it into something. Waiting on a logo. We're supposed to have Virgil Zwicker this week but waiting for confirmation. if not, we'll recap LFA and Invicta but LFA more since Hawkins was there as media and we spoke with Turner.
do you cover solely mma or other combatives as well
Mostly MMA. In the past I have done kick-boxing and one of the outlets I contribute to does a lot of boxing. I would like to cover grappling too since I am a student of the art.
what is stopping you? if it's the readership I dunno what to say for that but if you having trouble finding people to interview I know some active competitors. nobody on like the world champ level but some have competed in worlds etc oh I also am distantly friends with some mma fighters (like we are facebook friends and I have set up interviews with them in the past)
Tonya Evinger had to go under a second surgery for her knee so her rehab time may be longer then expected. story might get a bit of traction.
John Salter is an up and comer but I don't know him nearly as well just we share some training partners so he was nice enough to add me still willing to reach out on your behalf tho if you like.
I'm also friends with Roxanne Modafferi (I believe she was the first famous person to be on my facebook!) and Andrea KGB Lee who will be debuting in the UFC soon. let me know if I can do anything to help.
Well, I cover MMA for several sites so it's just making the time to get to everything. It seems to be the best way to get ahead in that business now, especially with less people reading and more folks using Instagram for their news. I like doing video interviews but time is my biggest problem. It's not my full-time gig unfortunately but that is the goal.
video interviews would be tough cus you'd have to travel or set it up over skype I guess which I'm always worried about like 'dropped calls' etc