How dboontje.. how?
Two weeks ago this seemed impossible and there was no way we could get these children to excersise by themselves. Fortunately I was wrong because this time 'thinking outside the box' is required and it helped me and my colleagues a lot.
Social Media
Students are currently meeting their teachers in a variaty of media online. Mostly via Microsoft teams, or the schoolsystem which is less famous outside of Holland. This system works.. let's say "ok" at its best.
When 2500 students are expected to login at 8:10 am. at the same time every day using webcams and microphone, that's asking for major problems.
That is why the PE teachers were looking for more simple ways to reach their interests. Social media is used by students a lot so we used this simple way to create a Instagram account and #challenge them to send us their sport videos.
We had to upload our challenges as well.
We had many more challenges for example:
- juggle with toiletpaper
- handstand push ups
- flexibilty challenges
- 5km. longboarding.
- etc etc.
At the moment of writing this post we have thousand followers!
Can you come up with something fun and challenging for our students. TAG ME!
The most fun short video / photo will be uploaded on our account: l.o.dewijk
Thank you!
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Bizarre situation right now, take care Dennis!