By some quirk of fortune, I ended up going to two baseball games in as many weeks. The first time, I bought tickets that included a fireworks show, and the second time, someone had an extra ticket for a Bay Bridge Series game, so I tagged along. At both the Oakland Athletics and San Francisco Giants stadiums, I amused myself by taking pictures of the names on the backs of fans’ jerseys.
All images were taken by me or a family member except for one red herring (which I’ll reveal only at the end of the post). No, I did not take pictures of “Big John” or “Tall Boy” or anyone’s nicknames for themselves (with one exception). But the jersey names people choose are very revealing. Here’s my analysis.
Most casual fans of other teams have never heard of him, but Matt Chapman is by far the most popular Oakland jersey at the moment. At least among big guys that sit in the outfield before the game starts. But please don’t miss the Henderson jersey on the left. The Oakland A’s have had more than one Henderson, but # 24 will always be Rickey Henderson. He was the greatest player I’ve ever seen.
Oh, and if you look closely, there's an Eck here also. Another great name from those 80's/90's teams. Dennis Eckersley is one of the only relief pitchers in the Hall of Fame, though he had a good run before that as a starter.
On the orange side of the bay, there is a reason the Giants sell so many Buster Posey jerseys. It’s because, when you go to the team paraphernalia stores, that’s ALL they have for sale. Posey this, Posey that. Nevertheless, people have little imagination and apparently are not demanding variety. Posey was a star on their past World Series teams; this year he has only five home runs. Is anyone paying attention? Maybe not.
There’s never a dull moment when you’re watching baseball. Except for the first eight innings.
Oakland fans have a tough time with jerseys. They basically need those Velcro shirts where you can keep changing the names. It’s a small market team with an old stadium and they can’t keep their stars, who keep getting traded or sign richer contracts elsewhere. And so, most of the jerseys you see are from players who do not even play for the team anymore, some of whom are still actively playing for other teams!
Here’s Huston Street (with another Posey), Stephen Vogt, and…who? A green Jeff Samardzija shirt at a Giants game. The funny thing is that the Shark used to play in green for Oakland and now he plays in orange for San Francisco. He’s a terrible pitcher, though. I don’t understand why on earth a team would pay millions of dollars to sign someone who had the HIGHEST (not lowest, which is what you want) Earned Run Average in the league the year before they signed him. Ghastly. The Giants front office management is some of the worst in baseball (and yet, they’ve bumbled their way into three championships in the last decade...thank goodness for past drafts).
Here’s a little orange and black nostalgia also. Someone was sporting a Sergio Romo jersey. He currently plays for the Tampa Bay Rays. In fact, this year, he’s gained some notoriety for being an “opener”, a pitcher who starts games for just one or two innings, which is a new thing. Romo helped the Giants win some championships, though, so that name always will be welcome in San Francisco.
For more nostalgia, how about this 1980s throwback set? Will Clark and Matt Williams played for the Giants back then. Clark was a left-handed hitter who had the sweetest swing in baseball, one of those lanky guys who can turn on a pitch and crush it without looking like he hit it very hard. There are still plenty of Clark jerseys on older Giants fans. Next to him here is Matt Williams, who won a championship playing for the Arizona Diamondbacks, not the Giants. In 1994, he was leading the league in home runs (juiced or not) when the season was cancelled due to a labor strike.
In 1989, both Clark and Williams were playing for the San Francisco Giants when they made the World Series (championship finals) against none other than the Oakland Athletics. And on October 17, 1989, at 5:04 p.m., as I finished my schoolwork and turned on the TV to watch the baseball game, an earthquake struck. The stadium was evacuated and the series was postponed by 10 days. Oakland eventually won.
Let Pablo Pitch! I love this shirt. Gonna get me one. Pablo Sandoval is a well-liked Giants hitter who plays at third base. He is not a pitcher. Nevertheless, in a meaningless game, he was brought in to pitch. And he threw one perfect inning, prompting some Giants fans to wish he was put in to pitch more often.
This one (worn by the fan on the right in the next image) says “IMPEACH 45”! I do believe that’s a reference to the 45th President of the United States, one Donald J. Trump. He does not get much love on the left coast, where there are anti-Trump protests nearly every week, though I have not spotted any Baby Trump balloons yet. A sports jersey seems an interesting place to put that message. On the field, the Matts Olson and Chapman warm up to hit.
Before the game ends, here’s one more. Wait, isn’t she too old for the cursing demographic? Sports brings out strong allegiances and emotions.
Why stay past the 8th Inning? Oh yeah, fireworks. You have to wait for them to let half the fans onto the field. It’s worth the wait. Nice show.
Of course, the crowd at the subway station serves up a reminder that maybe we should have left earlier. Finally, there is a gentleman with a hat celebrating the most recent Oakland A's championship : 1989. And who did they beat again, after the series was postponed due to an earthquake? The San Francisco Giants.
All photos but one were taken by the author or a family member. And the red herring was the woman wearing the “bleed orange and black” shirt. That actually came from a football game and another team that uses the same colors, so it’s not my picture. Here is the link:
Hats off to grandma. 😂
My personal favorite was sharpless and dull.
Its sweet but meta at the same time. Haha
Yes, I loved that pair. We probably don't understand half the reasons they chose those jerseys.
Rickey Henderson & Matt Chapman both players greatest when I heard. I see their video through internet. So powerful strength indeed. You have massive experience attend there and nice you decided to share it unknown steemians like as me. I again give big salute to you Tom.@donkeypong, I' waiting long term for reading baseball blog from you coz you increase my passion of baseball game. But this wanna jersey analysis who used more valuable players. I haven't big interesting to baseball and find out football and cricket when I told you before. Fabulous and funny indeed photo clicks with fireworks. I never attend cheerful moment in pavilion or ground support wear jerseys & hand on flags of supporting team. My country not provided baseball and don't know where we stay with rankings. But some of my friend selected go aboard for play coz his talent. Now missing his contact so missed lot things about baseball.
I had no clue that so much could be written about baseball jerseys from one game, but "by gum" you did it! That's impressive that so many people still wear their old jerseys. I had a jersey once, but I got a "fan" one so that it wouldn't be out of style 3 seconds later when the player got traded.
Too bad they have the fireworks at the very end. It's best to leave early.
I told him this statement when he last published about Alaska malamute dogs. He is just incredible about manufacturing information from a less seemingly subjects like dogs, baseball game and the rest.
Guess what he told me?
Let me leave it at that... 😂
He's a storyteller. Good storytellers can tell stories about anything and make is interesting. They have a gift of being able to see something from a perspective that is different than everyone else's. They also are able to creative something that entertains. I like spending time with good storytellers.
Hopefully he told you another story. :D
That's the problem with getting player jerseys; they do get traded or sign elsewhere.
I still cant imagine how you managed to do all this, its a game, game! You aren't suppose to be snapping but watching the game.
At the other way round, i love the fun you put into this. You know what sometimes even when youre watching a game, your mind isnt there.
It was two games + walking around. There's plenty of time. I could have included half again this many pictures, but the posts get too long. :)
That grandma's shirt is so funny. I'm not really that much of a baseball fan but I like the concept of what you did, taking pictures of their jerseys. You gave me an idea of what I can do in the future. I want to try that in a basketball game. Thank you for sharing this post! May you have a great day!
When you do, I'd love to see the post!
Hopefully in the future. Let me save up first haha. Thanks again!
I wish you snapped the expression on your face too, plus i wish to see your face sir hahaha.
Wow, nice view, but i can bet you no body here would have gone this game in my country despite the interesting part of the game.... Am so sure you enjoyed the fireworks, can see you would still go for another ticket with fireworks right @donkeypong?... Just wished this same passion will get into my people here for the love of baseball, just like we love soccer...
Will I go to a fireworks show again? I have kids, so probably yes.
hahaha Thank you!! I wish I'd thought to take photos of jerseys and potty-mouthed grandmas at the two games I once attended; the longest 8 hours of my life! One was watching the Detroit Tigers years ago in Detroit; I was in university and went with friends, so I spent my time drinking and then thankfully, it got rained out :) The second was a Mariners game in Seattle. After the initial hoopla with the seahawk flying out, I ate their infamous garlic fries and counted the seconds slowly passing by!
You've done a great job telling the story of all the different jerseys here though! Kudos to you, even though I'm not a huge baseball fan (that was probably already clear to you), I enjoyed the tale you weaved for us here.
Thanks you :)
You should drop this awesomeness over on SCORUM too :-) My vote is "worth more" over there LOL
What, and leave Steemit? I like it here.
What a perfect experience you heard there.. I've never been to a stadium to watch a live match like this, but I'm sure that the spirit is always very high due to many I've see on TV.
That old woman caught me smiling.
She must have a strong spirit.
This actually remained me of my old day back in the high school. It was really cool experience then, wasting the two teams showcasing their prowess though game ended drawn. The image you shared here were super good like seriously, all were taken at the right moment in the right stand. There's nothing cool compared to watching a match baseball with family members. Football game and baseball which one is your favorite sir?
Baseball is probably my favorite sport, but world football, American football, and basketball also rank high.
I really wish there is a provision to inculcate this ball in our sports here in my country. Nevertheless, I haven't been able to get the terminologies about this game. Can you help me out since you're a lover of baseball?
Your photography skills are great. And Matt Chapman must be an outstanding player.
Thanks for asking. Games are 9 innings long, and many people think they are boring, so I was joking. Unfortunately, in a post like this, there is a lot of "inside information" that only a hardcore fan will appreciate. I try my best to craft it for a general audience, but that's not always easy.
I think I will do a re-read for the inside information and a research on baseball game itself. And get back to you Tom.
It has really been an incredible time reading your post, I am urge to pick up a subject that seem less attractive and turn it around on my blog. Can I do that?
Actually thought this would be some NSFW images when I saw the title.... :). I probably need to have my mind purged. Nice images between..
That grandma came close to making it NSFW.
She must be really young at
What's more funny is that peeps have a lot of time to take pictures during the games. Usually when I watch a game (soccer), am so apprehensive that a photo is the last thing on my mind. Damn am missing out
The grandma photo is hilarious though
That's why I'm being the coward and taking pictures behind peoples' backs. It made for a fun theme this time.
In my view, many clubs(football, baseball, or other sports in general) are at this same cross road of keeping players. This I can blame on, the need for humans to progress in all aspect seeking more financial freedom, more conducive environment, more challenging games and all. However, this has always resulted in having migration of the most brilliant team members. Sometimes as well, family can be a reason for this kind of signing richer or better contract elsewhere.
I like the fact that the attendees were still putting on the jerseys of players who have been part of the team in time past.
Nice article. It was worth the read.
I am a fan of football more than baseball.:)
Hello Friend how are you? I do not know anything about baseball but I come to greet you I call my attention when reading your publication the name Pablo Emilio Sandoval
born on August 11, 1986, in Puerto Cabello, Carabobo, Venezuela), nicknamed "Kung Fu Panda" or "Big Pablo", is a Major League player who currently plays for the San Francisco Giants (San Francisco Giants)
Very good pictures especially the one of the fireworks
For me the fans is the best of every game without them there would be no games and players so excellent
It is a pride to see in your publication this Venezuelan
Yes, he's the Pablo in "Let Pablo Pitch." There are some great players from Venezuela.
Everyone is a great pride for us in Venezuela
Thanks for your support
Very funny. Just people's back picture as if they will get you arrested if you take their pictures from front. I have never watch basket ball live, even i dont like it before until i watched a season film titled "one three hill" the scott family and co which is full of basket ball
I don't know Jack about baseball except one person holds a bat and the other a ball.
I don't know any baseball team or any player.
I'm from Nigeria and so baseball is not our game, but you made it interesting!
Also you just showed me I could write about anything!
And that woman ain't too old. Lol
Well I guess it's better than taking pictures of people's feet in bathroom stalls.
Thanks for posting.
A pitching opener now? Really?! Haha
Watching people's back from one's seat at a sports game? Here is an interesting anomaly for you: at Montreal Impact's (Major League Soccer) home games the Ultras dance/step closely held together their back against the field. I don't know if it's because of how the seats have been put in place, thus hindering their movements, or if it's for some other reason, but the fact is that it looks completely stupid seeing how the most hardcore of fans can cheer for their team while looking the opposite way from where the game is actually being played. Lol
A wonderful overview of your walk on baseball, my friend and your photos showed us, a diverse fan of all time. You are right, people wear players' shirts and do not really think whether they fit a certain game or not, of course each of them has their own motivation, maybe they are passionately ill for this player or just put on a shirt to distinguish themselves in the crowd. But my grandmother, in an orange shirt at the end of the post, surprised me the most, she can see her thoughts in her head. The main fireworks gave an excellent ending to this game! Thank you @donkeypong
Geez... This post deserves its own wiki 😂😂😂. Since baseball is hardly played here in Malaysia .... I think I know more about em jerseys now then about the game itself. 🤣🤔
Humm, deep messages everywhere
Nice post with good content
What a lovely game. I have never seen people playing baseball physically, I only do on the television and I will say with what I do see it seems to be a great fun.
I love those photos of yours, they are amazing.
i don't understand this game how to play,,,but i think its really interesting game
The pictures are lovely especially the one's with the fireworks.
The Posey jersey bit was funny though
I am also a Oakland fan!
Hello sir , i always learn lots of things from your post but today it's very hard to understand because i have no idea about this game, but it's looking nice game .
Great images baseball is the best sport I love
I have never watched a game of baseball before. I have been priviledged to watch a game of football, and that of table tennis.
I really look forward to watching a game of baseball soonest.
did you hear that??
Thanks dangkeypong, this beautiful new post is very beautiful to me. You can post beautifully and decorate your post very well. There is no comparison of your post. You are very nice to post.I got a lot of fun watching this new post. You are a very good man. thank you so much my friend.
I think that even if they play well or bad continues to be the support to those players and therefore decide to buy these shirts, or simply stores sell them for making money no matter how those players no longer belong to those teams
Haha I love the old lady's orange outfit... I hope when I'm her age I'll still have a sense of humor as well.
Man my brother loves baseball. Too bad it's not very mainstream here in Singapore.
Great protip on using Velcro for the names!
There is huge fan following in US for Baseball.
Specially when the match played between top teams. And baseball never wants to miss a single moment of the game.
Oakland athletes won the game by 6-5..
It was a good day for Oakland guys..
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Increíble, siempre me fascinó el juego de béisbol, y sobre todo coleccionar camisetas de los jugadores, pero mi mala suerte es que en mi país no hay ese deporte y me siento apenado por eso :c .
Awesome read, your post brings up some many memories. I grew up in San Jose. I got into baseball card collecting and for some reason the Dodgers were my favorite team, probably because my favorite color is blue. But my dad was a die hard Giants fan, as well as a Padres fan since he grew up in San Diego. Some of my fondest memories are of my pops and I going to Candlestick park and watching Will "The Thrill" Clark and Kevin Mitchell play ball. Speaking of Kevin Mitchell, I remember watching a game on TV where he was running in the outfield and caught a fly ball with his bare hand. haha. Then came the Bonds era. Wait did I see any Barry Bonds jerseys in your pictures above?....Wonder why? lol. I will always remember October 17th, 1989. That is my brother's birthday. He turned 16 that day. I was 11. He and a friend of mine and I were playing football in the street, when all of a sudden the earthquake struct, the roads turned into waves, water from the neighbors pool came over the 6 foot high fence. It was a crazy experience. Then later after all was well, I found myself at a friends house watching my beloved Giants get pounced on by the Oakland As. I didn't see any McGuire or Canseco aka (The Bash Brothers) jerseys either up above. haha. Anyways thanks for this great post and the memories it brought back to me. :) And of course I like that the Giants have won 3 World Series in the past decade. haha.
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