
I will answer both your comments with this one.

Comment 1:

I don't! I've vaguely listened to flat earth stuff once or twice as background while I fall asleep.

Ah, okay, now I understand it even better haha - however, I already wrote that I do understand your point of view and respectively share your opinion on not being part of the sheeple. ;D
Knowledge > blind faith

But I'm not giving Brian Greene a run for his money or anything.


no, not at all! You're a kind gentle soul.

Good good, just wanted to "play it safe". Haha, thx bro, you too!

Comment 2:

Alright haha, np, I was not sure how I should take it anyway. Now I know. ;D

Ah, okay, now I understand it even better haha - however, I already wrote that I do understand your point of view and respectively share your opinion on not being part of the sheeple. ;D
Knowledge > blind faith

Ya, I feel like too often people are quick to assume that they "know" things or "the science is clear", when what they really mean is other people say this.

(I do understand that in your case, the physics of it legit seem right to you.)

So my thing here is more a point of principle, of what counts as knowledge or proof. And for that reason I tend to be sympathetic with the people going against the grain, whether or not I agree with them or care much.

Even if flat earth is wildly wrong, it's probably a good exercise to remember that only a select few ever get the best tools and get to travel to the cosmos and if there was ever any motivation to do so, we could easily be misled about some of the smaller details.

So when information is guarded like that, I take everything with a grain of salt.

It's different when information is open. I.e., I feel really good trusting the experts who say "we need X improvement to the blockchain for this reason" or the dentist who says you need to do blah blah thing. But NASA... nah 🙂

Could not agree more with your statement(s) here.
Yes haha, NASA might not the most honest agency over the world, at least we do not know... like many other things... hah

But NASA... nah 🙂

Yes haha, NASA might not the most honest agency over the world



The GOAT got robbed tonite. Four future hall of famers and the officiating crew, and then it still took JR Smith not knowing what the score is and running the wrong way.

Robbed hard.