hahah ya I bet you were!! I was sweating it like yesss touchdo… nooooooooo overthrown :p
1.3... you mean on your Coyotes bet?
there are so many different lingos and ways of saying the odds lol. I always view it in decimal odds where like "1.22" would mean it pays 22 cents on the dollar. but everyone has their different ways and it's confusing
maybe you're saying GB paid 30 cents on the dollar? which would be sick and higher than I was guessing. But I think you mean Coyotes paid 1.30 on the dollar hehe.
I meant to say I parlayed the two, so it was like -110 or 90 cents on the dollar for Coyotes and -250 or .40 cents on the dollar for GB. So together it was $1.30 won for every dollar bet. I think I bet like $26 to win $35. Something like that. lol I know it can get confusing because everyone does it differently.
I seeeee .. got it got it
Wish I bet +9.5 lol .. that's right up my alley if I had thought of it or seen the line lol
That alternate line can be huge sometimes, I like to dig for it if I think the game will be close, I grabbed it in the Notre Dame game Saturday too. Rivalry game vs USC. Irish were -13, I got them -6.5.