It was a rough night as @darkishtouch was the only profitable set of picks taking the W. I'm up ate and due to a couple misses earlier in the week I'm staying up late to add a Thursday contest (usually unavailable)
Top 3 Bankrolls
- @darkishtouch $572...5pts.
- @mikeshuh $190....2pts.
Current League Standings
1.@mikeshuh ....15pts.
- @heroic15397 ....10pts.
- @steem-d-anlovnit ....9pts.
- @vicspics ....8pts.
- @isellbooks ....6.5pts.
- @boatsports90 ....6pts.
- @darkishtouch, @hendrix22, @imisstheoldkanye, @devduke ....5pts.
- @funaccountant ....3pts.
- @treefiddy ....2.5pts.
- @ganmo92 ....2pts.
- @sixersfeds ....1pt.
Today 10/19
Friday 10/20
Pot Total-.061 SBD (7 posts paid)
hahaha wow. might need to consider the strategy of not betting all my money
Haha as crazy as it sounds it can help sometimes
yeah!!! I won!!!!