Day 48 📍 Weight: 81,5 kg
Hey Friends,
as mentioned in the Headline. Im in the depth of my hardest Week of Training!
Today was the last heavy Legday with 3x 12 x 110kg and even though Im 48 Days deep in my Diet I tried a new PR.
Succesfully made the 120, 130 and 140 kg for 1 Rep. Couldnt lift the 150 kg back up.
Afterwards I was done af.... really...had to sleep and was quite the whole day really done!
Its mostly the same. During the Deload and easy Trainings sessions and even with a higher Weight,
Im always wishing, I could load up my Max. But once The Max-Week is come and the second Training is done,
Im soooo f... done and cant wait to really deload and regenerate!
But I guess thats what this whole Overreaching and Deloading is all about :)
Only 2 more heavy Trainings left. Tomorrow Pushday and the Day after Pullday!
Wish me luck Friends,
yours Jon 🤠
Most Important ☝️
When it comes to a Diet and cutting Fat in general,
There are some Parameters it all comes down to!
- 1st: Calorie Intake & Output ☝️
- 2nd: Macro-Nutrients ✌️