G͟R͟O͟U͟P͟ A͟ G͟R͟O͟U͟P͟ B͟
- ᖇυѕѕια 1. Portugal
- S. Arabia 2. ESP
- Egypt 3. Morocco
- Uruguay 4. Iran
G͟R͟O͟U͟P͟ C͟ G͟R͟O͟U͟P͟ D͟
- France 1. Argentina
- Australia 2. Iceland
- Peru 3. Croatia
- Denmark 4. Nigeria
G͟R͟O͟U͟P͟ E͟ G͟R͟O͟U͟P͟ F͟
- Brazil 1. Germany
- Switzerland 2. Mexico
- Costa Rica 3. Sweden
- Serbia 4. K. Rep.
G͟R͟O͟U͟P͟ G͟ G͟R͟O͟U͟P͟ H͟
- Belgium 1. Poland
- Panama 2. Senegal
- Tunisia 3.Columbia
- England 4. Japan.
Just remembered that we are going to face Argentina
Nice update
Nicw update