Being motivated to workout is a very complicated thing, it doesn't matter if you do easy nor hard excercises.
In order to acheive the best results, you need to get motivated for working ot and acheiving your targets. Here are a few necessary things that you should consider in order to motivate yourself for working out:
Finding your reason - It is necessary to find the reason for why you want to workout. This reason or reasons must be strong enough in order to take and keep moving forward, and repeating the workout again and again. Whether it's because your crush, or you just want to look more muscular, the reason will have to be enough motivating.
Setting a goal for yourself - Some claim that setting a goal for the workout is the most important thing, because without a goal, you don't actually know why you are doing this, you need to workout in order to acheive something, a goal will help you to keep being hungry for more workout and being beaten to your knees!
Buying new gear - This can help you to be more into it. You can buy some comfortable clothes that will encourage you to workout and will be good for working out with. Studies have shown that working out with gear you hate can effect your training by decreasing the enjoyment, which can lead to a loose of motivation.
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mind and body motivattion thanks @lazariko12
No problem, thank you!!
I think you should add "find a partner." Not all people have the self-discipline to push through this, but those people also don't like to let people down. Having a partner can be a good way for both people to push themselves.
I definately agree with you! Thanks for commenting it!
I have a hard time wanting to work out or even pushing to work out, I am always fatigued, might also have to do with a high metabolism.