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RE: Insane Azerbaijan Grand Prix!

in #sports8 years ago

lol I'm not going to lie I've never been to a sports car race, after reading your post I think I want to go. I just felt your excitement talking about the guy stroll I think. About him never giving up that's what life's about never giving up, pushing forward till you accomplish your goals. The guy was in dead last you were saying look at him coming back to win it. That's what hard work, drive, and perseverance does it turns losers to winners. People will laugh, put you down, and try to make you quit but be like Stroll. Never quit no matter if your in last; work and the win is in sight. Thanks friend I really felt the enthusiasm here; I will try to get out to one of these events thanks to you. Dope Post 🙏🙏


All that's good, but do note that most people who start last stay last. So never give up, but also it's important to have some perspective :)

Keep going no matter what, that is the key cheers 🙏🙏