A child under 16 in Iran
Whether it is theft or robbery
When something goes wrong
If the crime is not very serious
Punishment is usually a reading penalty.
I have read all the books provided by the government
Your thoughts and ideas
I have to report it again.
If you are visiting Romania
You may be afraid to speak out, thinking that you are in a library or a bookstore.
Because everyone is paying attention and reading.
And if you read a book on the bus, the fare is free.
A Jew
They read an average of 64 books a year.
The beggars are the same ethnic group as the book.
Fifty percent of Germans buy regular books
30% are daily readers.
In every family
On average, they collect about 300 books.
They are waiting for the car
Whether you are riding a bus or not
Children start reading
They are time consuming.
The best-selling book in the world
There is nothing wrong with being the most literate country.
In a country where industrial science is flourishing
The title of the world's best reader
It inspires everyone.
Book prices are also very high
Bookstores are almost always full
These are the tribes waiting in line to buy books.
We Burmese are very illiterate.
Reading is the easiest way to travel.
Reading is the fastest way to mature your mind.
Let all of us Burmese people read
Let me encourage you ………