Rollins leaves Raw on a Stretcher before Showdown Pay Per View

in #sports6 years ago

Raw opens with Roman Reigns on loan from Smackdown, and Shame McMahon shows up.

Roman says he is going to stomp Drew Mcintyre comes out.

Revival attacks Roman from behind and everyone jumps on Roman but here comes the USOS.

Lacey Evans enters the ring area.

Charlotte Flair appears on Raw.


After the match Shane McMahon uses Drew Mcintyre, Revival to put the hurt on Roman Reigns.

Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss are making friends in the back.

Becky Lynch comes to the ring.

Ray Mysterio make this way to the ring to give up the US CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE

Soma Joe comes to the ring.

Samoa Joe attacks Ray Mysterio.

Lashley uses the chalk and attacks Strowman.

Alexa Bliss attacks Billy Kay after the match.

Seth Rollins is in the ring again daring Brock Lesnar to cash in.

However Baron Corbin comes to the ring area and nails Rollins with Ends of Days.

Brock Lesnar makes his way to the ring and attacks Seth Rollins.

Seth Rollins is taken out on a stretcher after the attack.

Randy Orton walks to the ring.

Undertaker closes out RAW tonight.


Miz comes out with guest Seth Rollins.

During the interview Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar shows up with the MITB case.

Nikki Cross is in the back with the Icoincs


R TRUTH was pinned by Mahal but than R Truth pinned him back.

Finally R Truth is found under the ring and the pursuit is on.


The show gets stranger all the time and exercise is on the show.

Huskis the Pig Boy is used as an example but than a puppet with horns comes in.

Than Wyatt is shown dancing.. the Muscle Man Dance.


Roman Reigns and Usos vs Shane McMahonn with Revival and Drew Mcintye.

WINNERS: Shane McMahon, Revival, Drew Mcintyre

Luchas House Party vs Lars Sullivan

WINNER: No match

Charlotte Flair vs Lacey Evans

WINNER: No Winner as Becky Lynch interfered in the match


Bruan Strowman vs Bobby Lashley

WINNER: Strowman

Nikki Cross vs Peyton Royce

Note: Alexa Bliss is ring side with Billy Kay

WINNER: Nikki Cross

Cezaro vs Richoet:

WINNER: Richoet