Hay una gran diferencia entre la violencia en los deportes de contacto y los de juego colectivo con un esquema de no contacto...
◾ En el de contacto el atleta ya está preparado física y mental para recibir un impacto en la humanidad; mientras que en los deportes colectivos o de equipos es más vulnerable el atleta a los ataques físicos, verbales, gestuales, articulares entre otros... Y esto se da en su mayoría por el alto "octanaje" de adrenalina, estrés, ansiedad y deseo de triunfo que en un punto o momento ve frustrado el deportista... Saludos y gracias por tu votación.
here is a big difference between violence in contact sports and those in collective play with a non-contact scheme ...
◾ In the athlete's contact, he is already physically and mentally prepared to receive an impact on humanity; while in team or team sports the athlete is more vulnerable to physical, verbal, gestural, joint attacks, among others ... And this is mostly due to the high "octane" of adrenaline, stress, anxiety and desire of triumph that in a point or moment sees the athlete frustrated ... Greetings and thanks for your vote.
It's true. In contact sports, the athletes are prepared for the impact and even learn how to receive a hit properly. It is when the line is crossed and actions outside the realm of the game occur when people get even more severely injured.