According to Wikipedia
Sport includes all forms of competitive physical activity or games which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants, and in some cases, entertainment for spectators

Anything human finds amusing or entertaining.
Sports are generally recognised as activities which are based on physical athleticism or physical dexterity. Thus, sports are all forms of usually competitive physical activity or games which through casual or organised participation , aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing entertainment of participants, and in same cases spectators.
However, sports are usuallygoverned by a set of rules or customs, which serves to ensure fair competition and allow consistent adjudication of the winner. Sports can be played indoors and by individual or teams.
The benefits of sports
Physical excercise is good for the mind, body and spirit. Sports generallyoffer many health benefits, some less obvious. it improves one's fitness and weight goals. It boost self-esteem, it cuts down on pressure and stressw. However regular physical activity can reduce the risk of many chronic conditions including coronary diseases, stroke, cancer, obesity mental health problem and musculoskeletal conditions.
Nevertheless a research also shows that sports play a primarily positive role in youth development, higher self-esteem, behavioural problems and better psychosocialism.
However, focuing on the "5 C's"
- competence
- confidence
- connections
- character and
- caring
These are considered critical components of positive youths development.
Socially, sports provide opportunities for youths to engage in valuable and positive relationship with adults. Physcologically, it makes youths to be resilient. Physical movements can affect the brains physcology by increasing oxygenation, production of neurotrophic nerve cells in the hippocampus, neurotransmitter levels development of nerve, correction density of neutral network and brain tissue volumes, thereby leading to relief from boredom, higher attention levels during classroom time, enhance creativity and problem-solving abilities.
Finally sport can serve as a useful intervention in peace-building activities.
Thanks for sharing this here dear, this is very helpful and educative, it's been ages now since I abandoned sporting activities, and my soul keeps telling me I'm doing the wrong thing. With this article, I'll relaunch my sporting schedule **steemon!
Wow.. I feel so fulfilled that I could join your soul and finally convince you to resume sports..
I'm sure you'll enjoy the ride!!
Nice write up...... Eeeerm, what's your favourite sport if I may ask self?
Hahaha..these question is very difficult..
I love all the sports equally..
And you somehow managed not to mention your fav sport.. We will be waiting for you in the comment section..
Hahahaha... How're you doing dear...
I hope you've eaten today 😂😂
We are still waiting joor.. Don't change topic o..
I'd say swimming but I can't even swim