Hydrodynamic Gliding Yachts

in #sports9 years ago



The 'Super Sports SS18' Boat Sits Above The Water For Added Speed

While most boats tend to have a majority of the vessel sitting in the water, the 'Super Sport SS18' opts for a much more innovative aesthetic that utilizes the efficiency of hydrodynamics to create a gliding yacht. The craft actually sits above the water, allowing it to be much more quick and stable at moving through the waves.

The 'Super Sport SS18' is a unique-looking vessel that is almost entirely hollow at the centre. The boat sits upon two large propellers that glide through the water, while providing an accelerated speed of 56-knots per hour. The crew and passengers sit above in a raised cockpit. The hollowed design allows air moves through the vessel rather than against, providing added stability to the ship despite it being much more of a framework than a solid boat.
