Yes, about 12 years ago, Rawdawg and John Daly shared some drinks at the bar together. .
It was a Wednesday night after a long day at work when I walked into a local Irish pub. .
I see a dude sitting down and he looks awfully familiar and he has 2 bombshell women with him. .
After about 1-3 minutes I realize it’s John Daly. .
In my head I’m like “this is gonna be a good night”.
Walk up to him and say, “ Hey John, you playing in the tourney tomorrow?” ( The Western Open was the next day)
John: “Yea, I’m playing”
Rawdawg: “Sweet, good luck man!”
John: “Thanks. You want a drink?”
Rawdawg: “Sure, whatever you’re having”
Bartender brings over a whiskey on the rocks and many more to say the least. . .
We chatted about all kinds of shit and he was one of the most down to earth people I ever met. . In all honesty, couldn’t have shared whiskey with a better guy.
He took occasional breaks to go play music and sing with the live band. . .
Before the night was over I had him sign a bar napkin for my ole man. My Dad is a huge golfer. . .
Needless to say, even if you don’t like golf, this individual is a super interesting character. And I can tell you from my firsthand experience he is a great person. Regardless of his missteps in life. .
Any guy who can lose $50+ million gambling and laugh about it has a great sense of humor and outlook, IMHO.
Enjoy these raw interviews and a short video of Daly jammin’ guitar. . .
Great fuckin’ guy!!!