Mad props to the guy.
He hands it to the Inmates....
With his fancy dribbling and Harlem Globetrotter acrobatic moves, he does make them kind of look silly.
So Why is He Not in the NBA...
Totally different type of Game playing with guys that are 6'10 and can dribble and dunk. And shoot 3 pointers. Team ball is much different that this one on one stuff he;s involved with.
How would he fare against NBA players One on One ??
I think he surprisingly would do fairly well and maybe beat some of them. Mainly bjust because of his honed acrobatic skills and three stooges type basketball bouncing off the head etc..etc..
I still say someone like Kyrie Irving or Chris Paul would easily beat him in a serious one on one Game.
How about you guys what do you think about the Professor ??
Robert Andrew
He was pretty entertaining, but that prison looked more like a leisure resort than a high security prison for murderers.....

Yep 3 FREE full square meals, a place to put your head at night, no bills to worry about, and play basketball all day and get ripped to shreds on the workout facilities they provide.
Yeah, sounds like a good deal to me, Ed. Maybe we're in the wrong industry lol
El juego es diferente uno contra uno asi que de tener oportunidad claro que la tiene @robertandrew todo dependerá de las ganas que tenga ese muchacho de triunfar
this is what inmates need.they also have the right to be entertained by people like the professor to boost their moral and learn from the experience.
I hear you @gabriellasam . They are human beings too. But some of them are first degree Murderers who killed innocent people including children. I tend to focus my attention on the victims and their families.
That being said there are wrongly convicted Criminals who we definitely need to find justice for them !
He is pretty good. I think he should just keep enjoying himself and not think too much about the NBA cos they'll just make him look bad
I watched this video the other day. Dude is talented. I thought it was funny when they told him not to bounce the ball off anyone's head lol
YEah he is talented. Btw, forgot to say Congrats on hitting Rep of 60 :)
Hey buddy thanks appreciate it. Was meaning to ask you have you blogged on medium at all? I see they have a partner program now. Some people were saying they are earning pretty good was debating checking it out. Ive never really used it
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Video wonderful shows the fun and strength to love sports even in prison