Can't really compare these two as they played in different generations of the game. The game has evolved into a softer more stringent league. How many refs back in the day gave MJ the benefit of a call compared to how LBJ gets the same benefits. It seems similar but its not.
We've even had refs busted for gambling back then and I'm 100% sure there are more of them, that haven't gotten caught.
LeBron is the most athletic player I've ever seen.
MJ is the most clutch player I've ever seen.
I'm blessed to be old enough to watch them both from start to finish.
Not sure if that's a good thing since it makes me feel old =D
These are arguably the two best players of all time but you gotta add Kareem into this for sure!!!
I won't elaborate about championships b/c then you gotta put Kobe and even Kareem into this discussion...
The triangle offense with Pippen & Jordan was very, very hard for the Jazz to deal with back in the day. The West had very little strength then to compete with MJ's Bulls.
The East has very little strength to compete with Lebron's Cavs.
However, the WEST is more dominant overall nowadays.
Very hard to say who's better here considering the generational gap and changes of the game itself.