Absolutely spot on! I was the world’s biggest baseball nerd kid. I loved the sport so much I even had baseball-themed poems and short stories published in baseball magazines. Greg Maddux was my favorite player and, yeah, the Expos/Braves NL East pennant chase would have been epic that year.
But greed got in the way and when the season spun up the next year, I was one of the many fans who did not return to the same level of enthusiasm I had had before.
The Baseball Encyclopedia sat unopened for months. I stopped buying baseball cards in favor of comic books. The dog days of summer were no longer punctuated by marathon Cubs and Braves back-to-back baseball binges. (Cubs games typically started at 2:20p ET while Braves started at 7:05p ET, leaving just enough time for dinner in between).
I came back briefly for the Sosa-McGwire Derby only to be left broken-hearted once again when it was confirmed that they had been cheating.
Fuck you, MLB, for ruining what should be the greatest game in the world.
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